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  6. Press Release FY2021
  7. We will hold a panel exhibition of the metropolitan system "Special Self-Government City" and a photo contest in Showa Village, Gunma Prefecture, a friendship exchange local government in Yokohama City, in City Library.

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We will hold a panel exhibition of the metropolitan system "Special Self-Government City" and a photo contest in Showa Village, Gunma Prefecture, a friendship exchange local government in Yokohama City, in City Library.

Last updated on November 9, 2021.

Press release materials

November 9, 2021

Policy Bureau System Planning Division

Saori Takahashi

TEL: 045-671-4323

Fax: 045-663-6561

Panel exhibitions and photo contests will be held in City Library so that citizens can know widely about "Special Self-Government City" which Yokohama City is aiming for early realization and "Showa Village, Gunma Prefecture", which has a friendship and exchange agreement with Yokohama City.

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