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The 2021 Yokohama Good Balance Award Certified Company has renewed the certified logo mark!

Last updated on January 20, 2022.

Press release materials

December 9, 2021

Policy Bureau Gender Equality Promotion Division

Maki Kurata

TEL: 045-671-3691

Fax: 045-663-3431

In Yokohama City, in order to promote the active participation and work-life balance of women, small and medium-sized enterprises in the city that actively promote the creation of a work environment where everyone can work easily is certified as the "Yokohama Good Balance Award". . The number of certified companies is increasing year by year, and in fiscal 2021, 27 new companies were certified, bringing the total number of certified companies to 205, the highest ever.
In addition, with the development of the 5th Yokohama City Gender Equality Action Plan (FY2021-2025), the certified logo was renewed.

※The certification and award ceremony scheduled for Monday, January 24, 2022 will be canceled in light of the impact of the rapid spread of infection in COVID-19 infection.

Press release materials

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Policy Administration Bureau Gender Equality Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-2017

Phone: 045-671-2017

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