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  6. Press Release FY2021
  7. [Press Release] "Internet Questionnaire on Appreciation of Performing Arts" and "Questionnaire on Ballet Performances for Children" were conducted.

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[Press Release] "Internet Questionnaire on Appreciation of Performing Arts" and "Questionnaire on Ballet Performances for Children" were conducted.

Last updated on April 30, 2021.

Press release materials

April 30, 2021

Policy Bureau Theater Planning Division

Miki Soma

TEL: 045-671-4196

Fax: 045-550-3608

Yokohama City is considering the development of a new theater that can perform full-scale performing arts.
The new theater will be able to enjoy top-level performances, contribute to the revitalization of the performing arts and the development of the next generation.
This is a report of the "Internet Questionnaire on Appreciation of Performing Arts" and the "Questionnaire on Ballet Performances for Children".
Please see on homepage of Yokohama-shi about result (details) of each investigation.

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