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  7. Holding of the Nine Prefectural City Summit Meeting (WEB Conference) and awarding the "Glittering Industrial Technology of Nine Prefectures"

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Holding of the Nine Prefectural City Summit Meeting (WEB Conference) and awarding the "Glittering Industrial Technology of Nine Prefectures"

Last updated on October 11, 2021.

Press release materials

October 11, 2021

Policy Bureau Regional Administration Division

Kazunori Angata

TEL: 045-671-2108

Fax: 045-663-6561

 We would like to inform you of the following matters.

1 Hold the 80th Summit Meeting of Nine Prefectures
(1) Date and time
   From 13:30 on Monday, October 25, 2021
(2) Main agenda
   ○ Exchange of opinions on the COVID-19 infection
   ○ Proposals from each Leader (in writing on the contents)
   ○ Consultation on efforts to promote decentralization reform
(3) Holding method
   Web conference
   The venue in Yokohama City is the lecture room on the 9th floor of the Yokohama City Hall (6-50-10 Honmachi, Naka-ku).  
   It will be released to the press.
   After the meeting, the mayor will surround and respond to interviews.   
(4) Announcement of Results
    A summary of the results, including the finalized request text, etc., is provided on the website of the Nine Prefecture City Summit Meetings.
     ( (external site)))
    (Scheduled to be published around late October 2021)
(5) Those who are scheduled to attend
   Motohiro Ohno, Governor of Saitama Prefecture
   Governor of Chiba Prefecture Toshito Kumagai
   Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike
   Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture Yuji Kuroiwa
   Mayor of Yokohama    Yamanaka Takeharu
   Mayor Kawasaki    Norihiko Fukuda                                                                                                
   Yuto Choshimizu, Saitama-shi
   Mayor of Sagamihara Kentaro Motomura
   Mayor Chiba    Shunichi Kamiya (Chairman of the Nine Prefectural City Summit)
   <Guest (Scheduled to attend)>  
   Fukushima Governor Masao Uchibori (to be greeted at the beginning of the meeting)

  ※Nine prefectures need special assistance due to the nuclear disaster caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
   We are making efforts to support reconstruction in Fukushima Prefecture. Along with that, the Governor of Fukushima Prefecture
   I would like to speak at the beginning of the meeting.

2 Determination of a company awarding the “Glittering Industrial Technology of Nine Prefectures” in 2021
  At the Nine Prefectural City Summit Meeting, excellent companies and organizations in the Tokyo metropolitan area and their industrial technologies were named "Industrial Technology that shines brightly in the nine prefectures."
 It has been awarded and introduced as a common property.
  In addition, a joint ceremony will not be held due to the web of the Nine Prefectural City Summit.

  ○ List of award-winning companies
    As per the attachment "2021" List of companies that shine brightly in nine prefectures and cities"

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