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Last updated on May 7, 2021.
Press release materials
May 7, 2021
Policy Bureau Regional Administration Division
Kazunori Angata
TEL: 045-671-2108
Fax: 045-663-6561
Looking at the issues around 2040, from the perspective of basic local governments, aiming for "maintenance and improvement of administrative services", "revitalization of local communities", and "sustainable growth and development" of the entire sphere in a horizontal and equal relationship. We hold "8 city cooperation mayor meeting" to aim at.
1 Date and time
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 16:00-17:00
2 Attendees
Mayor of Yokohama Fumiko Hayashi (Chairman)
Hiromu Ito, Deputy Mayor of Kawasaki City
Mayor Yokosuka Katsuaki Kamiji
Mayor Kamakura Takashi Matsuo
Mayor Fujisawa Tsuneo Suzuki
Mayor Zushi Satoru Kirigaya
Mayor of Yamato Satoru Oki
Mayor Machida Joichi Ishisaka
3 Major Agenda Items
○ Reports on the results of initiatives for 8 city cooperation
○ Exchange of opinions
・About Administrative Issues in With Coronavirus
・Development and securing specialized human resources
4 Holding Method
Web conference
The venue in Yokohama City is the lecture room on the 9th floor of the Yokohama City Hall (6-50-10 Honmachi, Naka-ku).
The Mayors' Meeting will be open to the press.
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Policy Bureau Metropolitan Area System and Regional Administration Department
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Page ID: 579-658-116
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