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List of Proposals (1st Extraordinary Meeting in 2002)

Last updated on July 12, 2023.

"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision.

List of Proposals
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Member of the Board
Proposal No. 1Partial revision of the rules of the Yokohama City Council meetingIn accordance with the partial revision of the Local Autonomy Law, a part of the rules of the Yokohama City Council Council shall be revised in order to establish provisions concerning the dispatch of lawmakers.Passed
Proposal No. 2Partial revision of the ordinance concerning the issuance of government affairs investigation expenses in Yokohama City CouncilAlong with the partial revision of the Local Autonomy Law, a part of the ordinance on granting Yokohama City Council government affairs investigation expenses will be revised in order to improve related regulations.Passed

Schedule of plenary sessions and regular meetings

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