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List of Proposals (3rd Extraordinary Meeting in 2002)

Last updated on July 12, 2023.

"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision.

List of Proposals
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Member of the Board
Proposal No. 11Policy for Responding to Litigation Revocation of Dismissal of Members of the DietINOUE Sakura, Sakura Inoue and Hiroko Urabe, who are Hiroko Yonahara, filed an appeal to the Yokohama District Court regarding the expulsion of the expulsion of the Diet (INOUE Sakura and Hiroko Yonahara) on June 25, 2002. The same shall apply hereinafter. ) Has been done, and the Yokohama City Council delegates its response to the Chairman of the Yokohama City Council.Rejection
Proposal No. 12Policy for Responding to Litigation Revocation of Dismissal of Members of the DietINOUE Sakura, Sakura Inoue and Hiroko Urabe, who are Hiroko Yonahara, filed an appeal to the Yokohama District Court regarding the expulsion of the expulsion of the Diet (INOUE Sakura and Hiroko Yonahara) on June 25, 2002. The same shall apply hereinafter. ), The Yokohama City Council shall make a claim and proof of the legality of the expulsion, and delegate all authority to do so to the Chairman of the Yokohama City Council.
The same shall apply to the case of an appeal pertaining to the filing of such an action.

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