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List of Proposals (1st Extraordinary Meeting in 2015)

Last updated on December 21, 2023.


Submitted on June 30

Member of the Diet:
Submission of Statement of Opinion
Mayor presentation bill:
Report of carry-forward statements

"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision. It will be posted after voting.

Member of the Diet (submitted on June 30)

Member of the Diet (submitted on June 30)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Submission of Statement of OpinionGidai No. 4 bill (PDF: 185KB)Submission of a written opinion calling for careful handling of security-related billsOn May 15, 2015, the Government submitted to the Diet a bill on the development of peace and security legislation and an international peace support bill, which is a new law concerning cooperation support activities for armed forces in other countries, assuming the interpretation of the Constitution that allows the exercise of the right to collective self-defense.
These bills have been considered within the government to address complex and transforming national security challenges, maintain Japan's peace and security, fulfill its existence, and fulfill its national responsibilities to protect the lives and property of its people.
At present, not only the Diet discussing the bill, but also many discussions and exchanges of opinions on security issues, but opinion polls show that many people have not explained the government sufficiently, and at the House of Representatives Constitutional Review Committee held on June 4, all witness constitutional scholars pointed out that various bills to allow the exercise of the right to collective self-defense were violated by the Constitution.
Therefore, in the handling of this security-related bill, the government will give sufficient and polite explanations so as not to cause impatient and anxiety to each and every citizen, and will lead the best choice for the future of the Japanese people. It calls for careful and thorough deliberation in the Diet to be done.

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on June 30)

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on June 30)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Report of carry-forward statementsCity Bulletin No. 8 (PDF: 224KB)2014 Yokohama-shi carry-over allowance carry-over statement reportReport of carry-over allowance carry-over statement based on the provisions of Article 146, Paragraph 2 of the Local Autonomy Law Enforcement Order
General account 66 Total business 26,493,962 thousand yen
Special Accounts 7 Business Total 2,977,518 thousand yen
City Bulletin No. 9 (PDF: 297KB)2014 Yokohama City Accident Carryover Statement ReportReport of carry-over of accidents based on the provisions of Article 150, Paragraph 3 of the Local Autonomy Law Enforcement Order
General Accounts 8 Business Total 333,790 thousand yen
Special Account 1 Business Total 14,828 thousand yen
City Bulletin No. 10 (PDF: 207KB)Report of use plan of carryforward amount of Yokohama-shi public enterprise accounting budget in 2014Report of use plan of each budget carried forward amount of sewerage business accounting, water supply business accounting, industrial water supply business accounting, automobile business accounting and high-speed railway business accounting based on the provisions of Article 26, Paragraph 3 of the Local Public Enterprise Law
5 Total accounts 15,219,627 thousand yen

Schedule of the 1st Extraordinary Meeting in 2015

Related information link

Internet broadcast (outside site)
Minutes (outside site)
Schedule of extraordinary meetings
List of pros and cons by denomination (PDF: 64KB)
Opinions and Resolutions passed
Committee Reference Category Table

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