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List of Proposals (Fourth Regular Meeting of 2000)

Last updated on July 12, 2023.

In addition, it may be added. → Additional Proposals
"Results" in the table below are the results of voting. It will be posted after voting.

List of Proposals
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Revision of the OrdinanceCity 70th billAll revisions to the Ordinance on the Protection of AnimalsDevelopment of related regulations in accordance with the revision of the Act on the Protection and Management of Animals
  • Changed name to "Yokohama City Ordinance on the Protection and Management of Animals", animal handling business, dangerous animal regulations, commission of animal protection promotion committee, enhancement of penalties, etc.
City 71st billPartial revision of ordinances related to the protection of personal informationDevelopment of relevant regulations in line with the reform of central government ministries and agencies
  • Ordinances on the Protection of Personal Information, etc.
Revision of 9 Ordinances
Revision of names of ministries and agencies, ministers, etc., movement of articles, etc.
City 72nd billPartial revision of the City Tax OrdinanceEstablishment of non-statutory ordinary tax on the sale of Katsuma voting tickets
  • Katsuma voting ticket sales tax (new establishment)
Tax rate: 5% and others
City 73rd billPartial revision of the Youth Affairs Council OrdinanceDevelopment of related regulations in line with organizational review and reform of central ministries and agencies
  • Changes in the number of committee members
(Up to 50 people → up to 35 people)
Youth Affairs Council Establishment Law
→Local Youth Affairs Council Act
City 74th billPartial revision of the Welfare and Health Activity Base OrdinanceInstallation of facilities: 2 buildings (8th and 9th buildings)
(1)Isogo Ward Welfare and Health Activities Center
(Scheduled for February 2001)
(2)Sakae Ward Welfare and Health Activities Center
(Scheduled for February 2001)
City 75th billPartial revision of the Community Care Facility OrdinanceInstallation of facilities: (The 72nd building)
  • Tsurugamine Community Care Center
(Asahi Ward, scheduled for March 2001)
City 76th billPartial revision of the saijo OrdinanceRevision of saijo usage fee (cremation fee in the city)
  • 4,500 yen over 10 years old → 6,000 yen
  • 3,000 yen under 10 years old → 4,000 yen
  • Death 900 yen → 1,200 yen
  • Part of the human body 900 yen → 1,200 yen
City 77th billPartial revision of the dog storage center regulationsDevelopment of related regulations in accordance with the revision of the Act on the Protection and Management of Animals and Ordinance on the Protection and Management of Animals
  • Change of citation law name, change of position display
(Notation up to the ward name)
(Related bill) City No. 70 bill
City 78th billPartial revision of the ordinance on reduction, recycling and proper disposal of waste, etc.Revision of business waste disposal fees, etc.
  • Business-related waste disposal fees, industrial waste disposal costs (incinerated plants, etc.)
9.5 yen/kg → 13 yen/kg,
Business-related garbage Collection and transportation of Motoichi, etc.
City 79th billPartial revision of the Central Wholesale Market Business OrdinanceSet usage fees for new facilities at the Central Wholesale Market
(Contents) Usage fee for processing plants for fruits and vegetables
¥1,920/m2 per month
Area: 998m2
Start of operation: Scheduled for February 2001
City No. 80 billPartial revision of the Municipal Housing OrdinanceEstablishment of facilities and development of regulations in line with the reform of central ministries and agencies
(1)Installation (borrowing) of wacolder and Isoko Highlands
(2)Minister of Health and Welfare → Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare
City 81st billPartial revision of the Building Standards OrdinanceImprovement of regulations accompanying the revision of the Building Standards Law and the Enforcement Order of the Act
  • Introduction of performance regulations of building standards, change of terminology, etc.
City 82nd billPartial revision of the ordinance on tuition fees, etc. of municipal universitiesRevision of tuition fees, etc.
Tuition fee: 478,800 yen → 496,800 yen
(Introduction of slide system: Applicable from students enrolled in FY2011)
Admission fee: 275,000 yen → 277,000 yen and others
(Outside the city: half price for people from the city)
City 83rd billPartial revision of the Fire Prevention OrdinanceImprovement of regulations in connection with revision of Building Standard Act and reform of central ministries and agencies
(1)Introduction of performance regulations of building standards, change of terminology, etc.
(2)Ministry of Home Affairs Ordinance → Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Water Proposal No. 1Partial revision of the regulations about setting of water supply business and industrial water supply businessChanges in the plan for the maximum daily water distribution capacity of the water supply business through full-scale operation of the Miyagase Dam
  • 1,780,000 cubic meters/day → 1,820,000 cubic meters/day
Water Proposal No. 2Partial revision of the Water Supply OrdinanceRevision of fees and provision of regulations in line with the reform of central ministries and agencies
(1)Basic charge: 740 yen / 10 cubic meters
→810 yen/8 cubic meters,
Average revision rate: 13.4% and others
(2)Ministry of Health and Welfare Ordinance → Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Amendment passed
(Proposed amendment)
(1) above
Basic charge: 740 yen / 10 cubic meters
→790 yen/8 cubic meters,
Average revision rate: 12.1% and others
Water Proposal No. 3Partial revision of the Industrial Water Supply OrdinanceRevision of fees, etc.
  • Basic charge: 24 yen/ cubic meter → 25.10 yen/ cubic meter, average revision rate: 13.9%, introduction of two-part fee system, etc.
Abolition of road certificationCity 84th billAuthorization and abolition of city road lines such as Kitaterao Route 487(Certified) Route 119, including Kitaterao Route 487
(Abolished) 60 routes including Hodogaya Route 52
Total 179 routes
OthersCity 85th billMaximum amount for sale of vouchers with paymentDetermine the release limit of lottery tickets to be allocated to financial resources for public works expenses in FY2001.
(Limited amount) 27,000,000 thousand yen
(Biefings and Laws) Certificate of Payment
Article 4, Paragraph 1 (Resolution of Congress)
Conclusion of contractCity 86th billConcluded a contract for renovation of the City Counsil building (building work)Internal renovation work, structural reinforcement work
(Scheduled to set debt obligations)
(Place) 1-1, Minatomachi, Naka-ku
(Amount) 871,500 thousand yen
(Date of completion) July 31, 2002
(Contract partner) Wado and Nissei Kensetsu joint venture
City 87th billConcluded a contract for construction of an underground parking lot (tentative name) at Yokohama Station Negishi Line (Chojamachi area) underground parking lot (tentative name) (mechanical parking equipment construction)Planar round-trip parking facilities
(Debt burden has already been set)
(Place) From 2nd place of 5-55 Nakachochocho to 1st place of 75th
(Amount) 638,400 thousand yen
(Date of completion) March 18, 2002
(Contract partner) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Supplementary budgetCity 88th billFY2000 General Account Supplementary Budget
(No. 3)
Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
  • Correction amount: 2,826,000 thousand yen
Other debt obligations amendments, municipal bond amendments
City 89th bill2000 Municipal University Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget
(No. 1)
Amendment of debt obligations
  • Set amount: 410,000 thousand yen
City No. 90 billFiscal 2000 Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Supplementary Budget
(No. 1)
Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
  • Correction amount: 691,243 thousand yen
Other municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments
City 91st billFY 2000 Central and Slaughterhouse Cost Accounting Revised Budget
(No. 1)
Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
  • Correction amount: 1,854,762 thousand yen
Other municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments
City 92nd bill2000 Urban Development Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
  • Correction amount: 1,826,000 thousand yen
City 93rd billFiscal 2000 Public Works Land Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget
(No. 1)
Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
  • Correction amount: 990,000 thousand yen
PetitionPetition No. 18About how to submit statement of position about emergency maintenance plan development of childcare1. Please submit a written opinion to the State on the following items so that the State can fulfill its responsibilities to ensure the development and safety of children.
(1)In order to promote the elimination of waiting children
Emergency maintenance such as the establishment of new daycare centers
Make a plan.
(2)The number of nursery teachers has been greatly increased.
The number of nursery teachers assigned to each nursery teacher
2 zero-year-olds, 3 1-year-olds,
5 2-year-olds, 10 3-year-olds,
15 children aged 4.5 years.
2 In order to ensure the development and safety of children, we would like to subsidize at least two children at all times.
3 I would like to increase the number of nursery schools in order to eliminate waiting children. I want you to be able to receive childcare at any nursery school under the same childcare conditions.
4 I would like to reduce it to childcare fees that all citizens can leave.
5. Subsidies should be greatly increased so that appropriate staffing can be ensured for projects conducted by daycare centers to meet the diverse needs of parents.
Not adopted
Petition No. 19About hearing of standing committee and steering committeeUnless a decision is made to the Standing Committee and the Steering Committee to make a secret meeting, please allow hearing.Not adopted
Petition No. 20Development of a master plan for urban planning around JR Hongodai StationI would like to formulate a master plan for urban planning around JR Hongodai Station as soon as possible.Withdrawal
Petition No. 21Regarding opposition to raising water rates, etc.1 I want to stop raising water rates, which have a significant impact on civil life and the business of small and medium-sized businesses.
2 In deliberation, be sure to hold a public hearing or hearing and listen to the voices of the citizens.
3. I would like to expand the current tax exemption system for social security households, single-parent homes, elderly households, medical and welfare services.
Part of
Part of
Not adopted
Petition No. 22Opposition to increase in business-related waste disposal fees1 I would like to stop raising business-related waste disposal fees.
We want to continue direct collection service of city by business-related garbage bag for 2 small discharge companies.
3 We would like to continue to carry out free treatment by bringing in up to four treatment facilities per year in oversized garbage.
Not adopted
Petition No. 23Opposition to increase in industrial waste disposal feesWe would like to stop raising the cost of industrial waste disposal fees.Not adopted
Petition No. 24Regarding opposition to raising water rates, etc.1 I want to stop raising water rates, which have a significant impact on civil life and the business of small and medium-sized businesses.
2. In the deliberation, be sure to hold a public hearing or hearing and listen to the voices of the citizens.
3. I would like to expand the current tax exemption system for social security households, single-parent homes, elderly households, medical and welfare services.
Part of
Part of
Not adopted
Petition No. 25Opposition to increase in business-related waste disposal fees1 I would like to stop raising business-related waste disposal fees.
We want to continue direct collection service of city by business-related garbage bag for 2 small discharge companies.
3 We would like to continue to carry out free treatment by bringing in up to four treatment facilities per year in oversized garbage.
Not adopted
Petition No. 26Opposition to increase in industrial waste disposal fees, etc.1 I would like to cancel the increase in the cost of industrial waste disposal fees.
2 I want to stop raising the municipal saijo cremation fee.
Not adopted
Petition No. 27Opposition to raise tuition fees for municipal universitiesI would like to stop raising tuition fees at City University, which has a significant impact on student life.Not adopted
Petition No. 28Regarding opposition to raising water ratesWe want to stop raising water rates, which have a major impact on the business of small and medium-sized businesses.Not adopted
Petition No. 29Opposition to increase in business-related waste disposal fees1 I would like to stop raising business-related waste disposal fees.
We want to continue direct collection service of city by business-related garbage bag for 2 small discharge companies.
Not adopted
Petition No. 30Opposition to increase in industrial waste disposal feesWe would like to stop raising the cost of industrial waste disposal fees.Not adopted
Petition No. 31Improvement of the Schoolchildren's Day Care Business1 I would like to improve the next urgent tasks of the Schoolchildren's Day Care business.
(1)The target elementary school student is based on the current 1st to 3rd grade students.
"1 to 6 years".
(2)Prepare exclusive facilities at the responsibility of the city
That's right. As a transitional measure, rent subsidies
To do it.
(3)Improve the instructor work conditions
That's right.
2. Please establish and implement an ordinance that includes the contents of the above three items and the operation of parents and instructors.
Not adopted
Petition No. 32About increase of childcare fee subsidy for private kindergarten child1 In order to reduce the burden on parents, we would like to increase childcare fee subsidies for children aged 3, 4, and 5 who go to private kindergartens.
2 We would like to establish a new kindergarten reduction countermeasure fee so that stable education and garden management can be performed even if the number of children is reduced.
3 I would like to increase subsidies for children with physical and mental disabilities who attend private kindergartens.
4 I would like to greatly increase the subsidy for private kindergarten facilities.
Part of
Part of
Not adopted
Petition No. 33Review of suspension of recruitment of part-time high schools1 I would like to review the suspension of recruitment of part-time high schools.
2 I would like to formulate a plan to introduce air conditioners in classrooms at municipal schools, blind and deaf schools.
3. Reduction of the school dividend budget will have a significant impact on educational activities, so please secure the necessary amount.
Not adopted
Petition No. 34Opposition to raise tuition fees for municipal universities1 I would like to cancel the increase in admission fees and tuition fees from Yokohama City University from 2001.
2 I would like to stop introducing a "slide system" that applies tuition fees after raising prices to students who are currently enrolled, and continue the tuition fees for the enrollment year until the graduation year as before.
3 I would like to promptly improve the main school building of the Seto Campus.
Not adopted

Additional Proposals
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Revision of the OrdinanceCity 94th billPartial revision of the regulations about salary of city general staff and the regulations about term-end allowance for city staff and diligence allowance for city staffPartial revision of the regulations about salary of 1 city general staff
  • Revise dependent allowances as recommended by the Human Resources Committee (0.13% (540 yen)).
17,000 yen → 17,400 yen
(2)Up to two dependent relatives such as children
5,500 yen per person → 6,000 yen
(3)There is a spouse who is not a dependent relative
One of the cases (2)
6,000 yen → 6,500 yen
(4)(1)Dependents other than (3)
2,000 yen per person → 3,300 yen
Partial revision of the regulations about term-end allowance for 2 city staff and work allowance
  • The annual payment ratio is reduced from 4.95 months to 0.2 months to 4.75 months.
  • For fiscal 2000, the year-end allowance for March will be reduced by 0.2 months and adjusted.
Personnel ProposalsAdvisory No. 4Recommendation of Candidates for Human Rights Committee MemberSince the term of the City Human Rights Commissioner expired on April 30, 2001, and one member has been increased, we will consult to recommend successors as candidates for human rights defenders.Consent
Proposals submitted by members of the DietProposal No. 11Submission of Statement of Opinion on Price Stability of Agricultural ProductsThe government will review emergency import restriction measures so that it can be activated flexibly and effectively in the event of a sudden increase in imports, etc. In particular, promptly activate vegetables with severe price drops, and strengthen measures to expand the price stability system for agricultural products and expand consumption of domestic agricultural products. In the next WTO negotiations, the multi-functionality of agriculture will be reflected and the realization of fair and fair agricultural trade rules that allow agriculture to be sustained.Passed
Proposal No. 12Submission of Statement of Opinion on National Financial Assistance for Water Supply BusinessThe government strongly urges that it is not possible to take prompt measures on the following matters in order to promote the smooth promotion of these projects from a national point of view and to sound management of the water supply business.
1 In order to promote the modernization promotion project of water pipelines, we will expand the national treasury subsidy system, such as securing the required amount of national treasury assistance, expanding the scope of assistance, and relaxing the requirements for assistance, as well as basic facilities such as water purification facilities and water supply facilities. Establish a national treasury subsidy system for renovation and improvement.
2 In order to strengthen the public utilities function of water supply facilities, further expand the national treasury subsidy system to improve the seismic resistance of pipelines and increase the capacity of reservoirs, and establish a national treasury subsidy system for projects to strengthen the seismic resistance of water purification facilities and water distribution facilities.
3 Securing necessary funds for refinancing bonds for high water supply rates by the Public Corporation Finance Corporation, easing the requirements for the target business and the interest rate of the target corporate bonds, and taking measures to reduce the burden of debt service, such as establishing a refinancing system for government bonds. To do.

Schedule of plenary sessions and regular meetings

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