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  5. List of Proposals (Additional Proposals and Petitions for the 1st Regular Meeting in 2003)

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List of Proposals (Additional Proposals and Petitions for the 1st Regular Meeting in 2003)

Last updated on July 12, 2023.

2003 1st Regular Meeting Additional Proposals

"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision.

2003 1st Regular Meeting Additional Proposals
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Member of the Board
Proposal No. 25Opinion for the Government of Japan's contribution to the peaceful resolution of the Iraq issueThe Government strongly urges the Government to recognize that the future of the Iraqi situation is a serious problem for Japan, and to play an active role in resolving the Iraqi problem through peaceful means such as persistent diplomatic efforts.Passed
Proposal No. 26Opinion on Review of Containers and Packaging Recycling LawIn accordance with the spirit of the Basic Law on the Promotion of the Formation of a Recycling-Oriented Society, the government strongly urges that a drastic review of the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law, which imposes an excessive burden on local governments, be made.Rejection
Proposal No. 27Statement of Opinion on Promoting the Formation of a Recycling-Oriented SocietyIn concrete development of measures based on the Basic Plan for the Promotion of the Formation of a Recycling-Oriented Society, the government will further clarify the basic principles of the Basic Law on the Promotion of the Formation of a Recycling-Oriented Society, such as the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law, and strongly request that efforts be made to resolve various issues in the current situation.Passed
Proposal No. 28Partial revision of the Yokohama City Council Committee OrdinanceAlong with the partial revision of the Yokohama City Administrative Division Ordinance, a part of the Yokohama City Council Committee Ordinance will be revised.
Article 2 The name of the Standing Committee shall be as follows.
General Affairs Planning and Finance Committee → Urban Management General Affairs and Finance Committee
Proposal No. 29Opinion to freeze 30% of employee medical expenses's burdenThe government strongly urges the government to freeze the 30% burden on employee medical expenses.Rejection
Proposal No. 30Statement of position about maintenance promotion of Yokohama ring roadThe government is aware of the importance of road maintenance in Yokohama City and strongly urges that the following measures be taken.
1 Consider the importance of expressway development in urban areas, establish a system that can continue to promote the development of necessary expressways. At that time, reflect the framework of actively applying toll revenue to construction costs under an appropriate public burden.
2 In Yokohama City, promote the maintenance of the Yokohama Ring Road as follows.
(1) Regarding the Yokohama Loop North Line and South Line, continue to promote the business according to the current framework.
(2) To be able to commercialize the section from the North Line to the Tomei Expressway as soon as possible.
3 In order to secure the financial resources for expressway maintenance, transfer tax resources and priority distribution to urban areas such as Yokohama for road-specific revenue resources.
A person
A matter
City 165th billAppointment of Assistant Director of Yokohama CityThe term of Toshimitsu Shimizu, assistant assistant of Motoichi, expires on March 31, this year, and one assistant is vacant, so we propose in accordance with Article 162 of the Local Government Act to appoint a successor. .Consent
City 166th billAppointment of Yokohama City Revenue OfficerMotoichi Revenue Officer Hiroshi Watanabe made a request from Retirement, so we propose to appoint a successor in accordance with Article 162 of the Act, which is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 168, Paragraph 7 of the Local Government Act.Consent
City 167th billAppointment of Commissioner City of Yokohama, Board of Education SecretariatThere is a request from Retirement from Kazuhiko Ota and Masasuke Koreeda, and one member is vacant. Proposal in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1.Consent
City 168th billAppointment of Yokohama-shi fixed assets evaluation examination committee memberThe term of office of Keiko Akimoto and 17 other members of the Motoichi Fixed Asset Valuation Examination Committee expires on March 31, this year, so we propose to appoint a successor in accordance with the provisions of Article 423, Paragraph 3 of the Local Tax Law.Consent
Advisory City No. 2Recommendation of Candidates for Human Rights Committee MemberThe term of the Human Rights Commissioner Takao Igarashi and 18 others of Motoichi expired on April 30, this year, and two members are vacant. Proposed in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 3.Decision to report that there is no objection

Petition for the 1st Regular Meeting in 2003

Petition for the 1st Regular Meeting in 2003
 Petition numberTitleContentsResults
Petition No. 12How to submit a written opinion requesting a review of the Containers and Packaging Recycling LawPlease submit a written opinion to the government to review the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law on the following matters:
(1)Recycling costs, including collection, transportation, and storage, must be borne by the manufacturer.
(2)Legislate systems of various economic methods that promote reduction and reuse rather than recycling.
Not adopted
Petition No. 14Implementation of junior high school school lunch1 I would like to conduct junior high school school lunch, which is implemented by 84.7% of local governments nationwide, as part of education.
2 For the time being, I would like to implement milk school lunch in junior high school.
3 I would like to adhere to the direct management and self-school system of elementary school school lunch and assign one nutrition staff to each school.
4 Please specify the production area of rice for school lunch supplies.
Petition No. 15About increase of childcare fee subsidy for private kindergarten child1 In order to reduce the burden on parents, we would like to increase childcare fee subsidies for children aged 3, 4, and 5 who go to private kindergartens.
2 We would like to establish a new fee for reducing children so that stable education and garden management can be performed even if the number of children is reduced.
3 I would like to increase subsidies for children with physical and mental disabilities who attend private kindergartens.
4 I would like to greatly increase the subsidy for private kindergarten facilities.


Not adopted
Petition No. 19About reexamination of plan including reopening of recruitment of nighttime part-time high schoolIn accordance with the recommendations of the Yokohama Bar Association Human Rights Committee, please reconsider the plan, including the resumption of recruitment of nighttime part-time high schools that have been suspended.Not adopted
Petition No. 20About reexamination of plan including reopening of recruitment of nighttime part-time high schoolIn accordance with the recommendations of the Yokohama Bar Association Human Rights Committee, please reconsider the plan, including the resumption of recruitment of nighttime part-time high schools that have been suspended.Not adopted
Petition No. 21Resolution calling for the early full return of U.S. military bases such as the U.S. military Kami Seya Communication FacilityPlease make a resolution on the following matters.
1 Request the early full return of four U.S. military bases: the U.S. military Kamiseya Communication Facility, the Negishi Residential Area, the Tomioka Warehouse Area, and the Fukaya Communication Station.
2. Opposition to the construction of U.S. military housing at the U.S. military Kamiseya communication facility.
Not adopted
Petition No. 22How to submit a written opinion on opposition to tax increase, etc.Please submit a written opinion to the State on the following matters:
1 Continue special spouse deduction.
2 Do not reduce the tax exemption point of the consumption tax or reduce the simple taxation system.
3 Do not implement external standard taxation.
4. Do not raise the consumption tax rate.
Not adopted
Petition No. 23Reduction of National Health Insurance premiums, etc.1. I would like to increase the transfer from the general account and reduce the National Health Insurance premium.
2. I would like to expand the National Health Insurance premium reduction system so that low-income earners and small and medium-sized businesses can cope with the deterioration of business performance.
3. Stop sanctions such as qualification certificates for non-payment households and issue insurance cards to all members.
Not adopted
Petition No. 24Maintaining the Keiro Pass Free SystemRegarding the Keiro Pass, we would like to maintain free of charge without restricting income or use in the future, and to be issued without discriminating against all elderly people who need it.Continuation
Petition No. 25Expansion of the Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment SystemI want to expand Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment to pre-school and remove income restrictions.Not adopted
Petition No. 26About how to submit statement of position about conduct freezing of 30% self-pay of employee insurancePlease submit a written opinion to the State on the following matters:
1 Freeze the implementation of self-pay for 30% of employee insurance.
2 To reduce the out-of-pocket expenses for the elderly.
Not adopted

Schedule of plenary sessions and regular meetings

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