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- Results of the Plenary Session/Proposals
- List of Proposals (First Regular Meeting in 2002)
The text is from here.
List of Proposals (First Regular Meeting in 2002)
Last updated on July 12, 2023.
"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision.
Proposal No. | Name of Proposal | Contents | Results | |
Budget bill | City 88th bill | FY2002 General Account Budget | ¥1,251,088 million (down ¥88,737 million (6.6%) year on year) | Passed |
City 89th bill | Fiscal 2002 National Health Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Budget | ¥229,332 million (up ¥12,613 million (5.8%) year on year) | Passed | |
City No. 90 bill | Fiscal 2002 Geriatric Health and Medical Expenses Accounting Budget | ¥206,529 million (down ¥5,129 million (2.4%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 91st bill | Fiscal 2002 The Long-term Care Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Budget | ¥104,646 million (up ¥11,485 million (12.3%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 92nd bill | Fiscal 2002 Municipal University Expenses Accounting Budget | ¥60,127 million (down ¥3,160 million (5.0%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 93rd bill | Fiscal 2002 Port Improvement Project Cost Accounting Budget | ¥2,387 million (up ¥15 million (0.6%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 94th bill | Fiscal 2002 Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Budget | ¥4,832 million (down ¥1,181 million (19.6%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 95th bill | FY2002 Central and Slaughterhouse Expenses Accounting Budget | ¥3,855 million (up ¥287 million (8.1%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 96th bill | Fiscal 2002 Maternal and Child Widow Welfare Fund Accounting Budget | ¥975 million (up ¥78 million (8.7%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 97th bill | Fiscal 2002 mutual aid traffic accident Operating Expenses Accounting Budget | ¥665 million (down ¥109 million (14.1%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 98th bill | Fiscal 2002 Worker Welfare Mutual Aid Project Cost Accounting Budget | ¥729 million (up ¥14 million (1.9%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 99th bill | Fiscal 2002 Pollution Victim Relief Project Cost Accounting Budget | ¥41 million (up ¥4 million, or 10.7%, from the previous year) | Passed | |
City No. 100 bill | Fiscal 2002 Urban Development Project Cost Accounting Budget | ¥14,127 million (down ¥1,373 million (8.9%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 101st bill | Fiscal 2002 Car Parking Business Expense Accounting Budget | ¥1,322 million (down ¥4,475 million (77.2%) year on year) | Passed | |
City No. 102 bill | Fiscal 2002 Public Works Land Cost Accounting Budget | ¥121,178 million (up ¥12,893 million (11.9%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 103rd bill | Fiscal 2002 Municipal Bond Accounting Budget | ¥580,440 million (up ¥60,908 million (11.7%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 104th bill | FY2002 Hospital Business Accounting Budget | ¥50,448 million (up ¥10,132 million (25.1%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 105th bill | Fiscal 2002 Sewerage Business Accounting Budget | ¥254,097 million (down ¥29,574 million (10.4%) year on year) | Passed | |
City 106th bill | Fiscal 2002 Landfill Business Accounting Budget | ¥48,907 million (down ¥4,758 million (8.9%) year on year) | Passed | |
Water Proposal No. 1 | Fiscal 2002 Water Supply Business Accounting Budget | ¥130,004 million (down ¥288 million (0.2%) year on year) | Passed | |
Water Proposal No. 2 | Fiscal 2002 Industrial Water Supply Business Accounting Budget | ¥4,575 million (down ¥129 million (2.7%) year on year) | Passed | |
Proposal No. 2 | Fiscal 2002 Automobile Business Accounting Budget | ¥36,749 million (down ¥2,369 million (6.1%) year on year) | Passed | |
Proposal No. 3 | Fiscal 2002 High-speed Railway Business Accounting Budget | ¥110,742 million (up ¥2,798 million (2.6%) year on year) | Passed | |
Budget-related bills | City 107th bill | Establishment of Mental Health Consultation Center Ordinance | In accordance with the revision of the Law on Mental Health and Welfare for the Mentally Handicapped, necessary matters will be determined to establish the "Yokohama City Mental Health Consultation Center" as a mandatory mental health welfare center. (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 | Passed |
City 108th bill | Partial revision of the staff fixed number ordinance | Change in the number of staff (Content) Total number of staff: 34,064 people → 33,713 (-351) (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 | Passed | |
City No. 109 bill | Partial revision of the Forum Ordinance | Maintenance of regulations accompanying review such as opening days of citizen use facility (Contents) Change of opening hours of "Yokohama Women's Forum" and "Forum Yokohama" (9:30 am → 9:00 am) (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 | Passed | |
City 110th bill | Partial revision of the Fee Ordinance | Application fee provisions due to mandatory registration of collection companies, etc. in accordance with the enactment of the Act on Securing the Collection and Destruction of CFCs related to specified products (Contents) Registration application fee of a second-class specific product (car air conditioner) pickup company / CFC renovation company 4,000 yen / case each (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 | Passed | |
City 111th bill | Partial revision of the park ordinance | New construction of paid facilities in the park (Contents) Seya Hongo Park (1-chome Hongo, Seya-ku) 1 Baseball field (both wings 97m, center 120m) 2.6 garden stadiums (Effective Date) Date specified in the rules (scheduled for May 2002) | Passed | |
City 112th bill | Partial revision of the Road Affiliated Car Parking Ordinance | Set usage fees for new facilities (Contents) Nihon Odori Avenue Underground Parking (Naka Ward) 5th place in the city, fee: Up to 250 yen / 30 minutes, capacity 200 units (Effective Date) Date specified in the rules (scheduled for April 2002) | Passed | |
City 113th bill | Partial revision of the Port Facilities Use Ordinance | Set usage fees for new facilities (Contents) Parking Lot in Shinko Wharf (Aka Renga Park (Red Brick Warehouse Park) Parking Lot) Fees: 500 yen / h, number of parking tickets issued, accommodated 83 cars (Effective Date) 30 days after the date of promulgation (scheduled for April 2002) | Passed | |
City 114th bill | Conclusion of comprehensive external audit contract | Conclusion of contracts based on Article 252-36, Paragraph 1 of the Local Government Act (Contract partner) Akio Minawa (Certified Public Accountant) (Initial of contract) April 1, 2002 (Amount) 23,000 thousand yen (upper limit) | Passed | |
Partial revision of the ordinance | City 115th bill | Partial revision of the regulations about reappointment of city general staff | Development of related regulations in line with the revision of the Mutual Aid Association Law for Local Government Officials (Contents) Movement of ground rules cited for the definition of the target staff (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 | Passed |
City 116th bill | Partial revision such as the regulations about salary of city general staff | Development of related regulations in line with the revision of the Public Health and Midwife Nurse Law (Contents) “Public Health Woman” → Public health nurses, etc. (Target ordinance) 3 regulations including the regulations about salary of general staff of city (Effective Date) March 1, 2002 | Passed | |
City 117th bill | Partial revision of the regulations about childcare leave of city staff and the regulations about vacation of city general staff | Development of related regulations in accordance with the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the revision of the law on childcare leave for local government employees (Contents) Childcare leave: Development of regulations in accordance with raising the target age (under 1 year old → under 3 years old) Nursing care leave: Extension of period (March consecutively → June consecutively) (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 (Related Proposal) Water Proposal No. 3 | Passed | |
City 118th bill | Partial revision of the District Center Ordinance | Installation of facilities (Contents) Community house 1 Nakamotomaki (Naka Ward) Scheduled to open in May 2 Mutsumi (Minami Ward) Scheduled to open in April 3 Yanagimachi (Kanazawa Ward) Scheduled to open in April (Effective Date) Date specified in the Rules | Passed | |
City 119th bill | Partial revision of the Yokohama Museum of Art Ordinance, etc. | Changes in management contractors of related ordinances following the integration of the Yokohama City Art Promotion Foundation and the Yokohama City Cultural Promotion Foundation (New consigned) Yokohama City Arts and Culture Promotion Foundation (Effective Date) April 1, 2002, the Entertainment Center Ordinance was April 13, 2002. | Passed | |
City 120th bill | Partial revision of the Ordinance for Training Facilities for Elderly Recreation | Change of management contractor of "Fureyu" with dissolution of Yokohama City Welfare and Culture Corporation The Japan National Council of Social Welfare (Yokohama) (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 | Passed | |
City 121st bill | Partial revision of the Central Wholesale Market Business Ordinance | Determine necessary matters concerning the succession of the status of the middle wholesaler in the event of a split of a corporation that serves as a middle wholesaler (Contents) Successing the status of a wholesaler with the approval of the mayor (Effective Date) Day of Promulgation | Passed | |
City 122nd bill | Partial revision of the regulations about fixed number of committee members by election of each agriculture committee | The Chubu Agricultural Committee and the Northern Agricultural Committee are integrated into the "Central Agricultural Committee", and regulations maintenance to change the number of committee members by the election. (Contents) Number of members by election of the Central Agricultural Committee: 30 members (formerly 2 committees: 44 members) (Effective Date) July 25, 2002 | Passed | |
City 123rd bill | Partial revision of the Municipal Housing Ordinance | 1 Installation of Sasanodai Housing 2 Loan installation: 10 facilities including Alto Namamugi 3 Adding single-occupants in accordance with the revision of the Public Housing Law Construction Ordinance (Effective Date) Date specified in the rules 1, 2: Scheduled from April to July 2004 3 Day of promulgation | Passed | |
City 124th bill | Partial revision of the regulations about limit of building in areas such as city planning | Restrictions on buildings in the area accompanying the city planning decision of the district maintenance plan, etc. (Contents) Set restrictions on buildings in the Midori Miho district, Hodogaya-ku Fumucho district district maintenance plan area (Effective Date) Day of Promulgation | Passed | |
City 125th bill | Partial revision of the Fire Prevention Ordinance | Development of related regulations in line with the revision of the Fire Services Act, etc. (Contents) Items with properties of flammable liquids with a flash point of 250 degrees or more are added to flammable liquids of designated combustible materials, etc. (Effective Date) June 1, 2002 | Passed | |
City 126th bill | Partial revision of the ordinance on compensation for public affairs accidents of school doctors, school dentists and school pharmacists at municipal schools | Development of related regulations in accordance with the revision of the law on compensation for public affairs accidents of school doctors, school dentists and school pharmacists at public schools (Contents) Add compensation for public affairs accidents such as school doctors at municipal elementary schools to the scope of the ordinance. (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 | Passed | |
Water Proposal No. 3 | Partial revision of the regulations to establish kind of salary of city company staff and standard | Development of related regulations based on the purpose of the revision of the law on childcare leave for local government employees (Contents) Childcare leave: Development of regulations in accordance with raising the target age (under 1 year old → under 3 years old) (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 (Related bill) City No. 117 bill | Passed | |
Water Proposal No. 4 | Partial revision of the Water Supply Ordinance | Improvement of related regulations accompanying the revision of the Water Supply Law Construction Ordinance (Contents) Regulations on structural material standards for water supply equipment Cabinet Order Article 4 → Article 5 (Effective Date) April 1, 2002 | Passed | |
Abolition of Ordinances | City 127th bill | Abolition of the Medical Aid Council Ordinance | Abolition of the Council (Content) Abolition of the Medical Aid Council because the intended purpose was achieved (Effective Date) Day of Promulgation | Passed |
City 128th bill | Abolition of the National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) Stamp Purchase Fund Ordinance | Abolition of Funds (Contents) Abolition due to the transfer of insurance premiums to the government and the abolition of the National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) stamp due to the revision of the National Pension Act. (Effective Date) Date specified in the Rules | Passed | |
Abolition of road certification | City 129th bill | Authorization and abolition of city roads such as Sueyoshi Bridge East Route 132 | (Certified) 34 routes including Sueyoshi Bridge East Route 132 (Abolished) Routes 21, including Kitaterao Route 304 Total 55 routes | Passed |
Conclusion of contract | City 130th bill | Urban planning road ring road No. 2 Mori branch line street maintenance work (No. 1 construction section) Conclusion of contract for construction of bridge steel bridge girder manufacturing | Length: 326.7m, width: 17.0m, weight: 2,443t (Place) Shinmori-cho, Isogo-ku, Mori 2-chome (Delivery date: March 31, 2003) 1,228,500 thousand yen (Delivery date: March 31, 2003) (Contract partner) Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Debt burden has already been set) | Passed |
City 131st bill | Concluded a contract for construction of Udagawa Yusuichi | Complete set of earthwork and temporary work (Place) 1, 463, Kumizawa-cho, Totsuka-ku (Amount) ¥3,097,500 thousand (completion deadline: February 27, 2004) (Contract partner) Taisei, Kashima, Shiraishi, Yamagishi, and Kojaku Construction Consortium (Scheduled to change debt obligations) | Passed | |
City 132nd bill | Conclusion of contract for the third phase of Kamiseya Housing (tentative name) new construction (building work) | 14-story steel reinforced concrete building (Place) 48-4, Kamiseya-cho, Seya-ku (Amount) ¥1,260,000 thousand (completion deadline: March 19, 2004) (Contract partner) Matsuo-Nara Construction Joint Venture (Debt burden has already been set) (Scheduled to set the carry-over allowance) | Passed | |
Changes in contract contracts | City 133rd bill | Change of Tateno Elementary School renovation work (building work) contract | Change of completion date (Deadline for completion) September 30, 2002 → December 28, 2002 (Scheduled to set the carry-over allowance) | Passed |
Supplementary budget | City 134th bill | FY2001 General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Correction amount: 53,849,358 thousand yen Other debt obligations amendments, municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments | Passed |
City 135th bill | FY2001 National Health Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Correction amount: 840,665 thousand yen | Passed | |
City 136th bill | 2001 Elderly Health and Medical Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Correction amount: 3,604,402 thousand yen | Passed | |
City 137th bill | FY2001 The Long-term Care Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Correction amount: 6,288,920 thousand yen | Passed | |
City 138th bill | 2001 Municipal University Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (38,775 thousand yen) | Passed | |
City 139th bill | FY2001 Port Maintenance Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (859 thousand yen) | Passed | |
City No. 140 bill | FY2001 Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (1,582 thousand yen) | Passed | |
City 141st bill | FY2001 Central and Slaughterhouse Expenses Accounting Revised Budget (No. 2) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (¥493 thousand) | Passed | |
City 142nd bill | 2001 Agricultural Mutual Aid Business Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (¥209 thousand) | Passed | |
City 143rd bill | FY2001 mutual aid traffic accident Operating Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (¥144 thousand) | Passed | |
City 144th bill | 2001 Worker Welfare Mutual Aid Business Expenses Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (¥26 thousand) | Passed | |
City 145th bill | FY2001 Pollution Victim Relief Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (¥13 thousand) | Passed | |
City 146th bill | 2001 Urban Development Project Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Correction amount: 4,477,003 thousand yen Other municipal bond amendments, carry-over allowance amendments | Passed | |
City 147th bill | 2001 Car Parking Business Expense Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 2) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Adjusted amount (¥89 thousand) | Passed | |
City 148th bill | 2001 Public Works Land Cost Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Correction amount: 778,482 thousand yen | Passed | |
City 149th bill | 2001 Municipal Bonds Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Correction amount (1,682,161 thousand yen) | Passed | |
City No. 150 bill | 2001 Hospital Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Profitable expenditures (¥21,528 thousand) Capital expenditures (¥409 thousand) | Passed | |
City 151st bill | 2001 Sewerage Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Profitable expenditures (¥14,789 thousand) Capital expenditures 3,604,604 thousand yen and other corporate bond amendments | Passed | |
City 152nd bill | Fiscal 2001 Landfill Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Profitable expenditures (¥298 thousand) Capital expenditures (1,205 thousand yen) | Passed | |
Water Proposal No. 5 | 2001 Water Supply Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Profitable expenditures (¥39,088 thousand) Capital expenditures (¥4,671 thousand) | Passed | |
Water Proposal No. 6 | 2001 Industrial Water Supply Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Profitable expenditures (¥1,028 thousand) Capital expenditures (¥58 thousand) | Passed | |
Proposal No. 4 | FY2001 Automobile Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Profitable expenditures (¥32,685 thousand) | Passed | |
Proposal No. 5 | FY2001 High-speed Railway Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision Profitable expenditures (¥15,155 thousand) Capital expenditures 20,279,000 thousand yen Other amendments to debt obligations Corporate bond amendment | Passed | |
Proposals submitted by members of the Diet | Proposal No. 15 | Establishment of ordinances related to the implementation of the Schoolchildren's Day Care Project | In order to promote the healthy development of elementary school student, where parents are enrolled in elementary schools where they are not at home during the day due to labor or other reasons, the Schoolchildren's Day Care Project will be implemented. | Rejection |
Petition | Petition No. 22 | About reduction of National Health Insurance premium and expansion of reduction of taxes system | 1. I would like to increase the transfer from the general account and reduce the National Health Insurance premium. 2. I would like to expand the National Health Insurance premium reduction system so that it can respond to the deterioration of business performance of low-income earners and commercial and industrial workers. 3. Stop sanctions such as qualification certificates for non-payment households and issue insurance cards to all members. | Not adopted |
Petition No. 23 | About review of recruitment capacity of part-time high school | 1 After the secondary recruitment of night class/night school, we would like to urgently discuss and implement the tertiary recruitment of full-time high schools, which has broken capacity. 2 I would like to increase the number of classes at Tozuka High School night class/night school and Tsurumi Technical High School night class/night school. I would like to increase the number of classes in three-part high schools. (I would like to set up a branch of a three-part high school at Minato High School and Yokohama Commercial High School where recruitment has been suspended.) 4 I would like to establish a new nighttime part-time high school. | Not adopted | |
Petition No. 24 | Enhancement of scholarship measures for Yokohama City University students and graduate students, including international students. | 1 I would like to greatly enhance scholarships for students and graduate students of City University, including international students. (1)Increase the total scholarship payment of the city, increase the number of applicants, and at the same time increase the amount of payment. (2)Increase the tuition reduction budget and increase the rate of reduction and exemption and the number of eligible students. (3)The tuition reduction system for international students should be immediately returned to the same level as the previous fiscal year and further enhanced. (4)Relax the standards for each of the scholarships and reduction / exemption systems so that they can respond to sudden changes in economic conditions during the year. (5)In each of the above cases, the size of the budget, the number of applicants, the criteria for recruitment, etc. should be clearly specified to the students in advance, and at the same time, if requested by the students, the criteria and the progress of the decision should be explained. 2. Don't listen to the voices of students, graduate students, faculty members, and general staff, and do not make unilateral decisions to improve your study and living conditions. 3 I would like to greatly increase the budget related to Yokohama City University and improve the overall learning and living conditions of City University students and graduate students, including international students. | Not adopted | |
Petition No. 25 | Expansion of the Municipal Housing Usage Fee Reduction System | 1 In line with the purpose of the Public Housing Act, please expand the Municipal Housing fee reduction system. For the time being, we would like to introduce a rent reduction system for housing rent similar to Prefecture Housing. 2. I would like to improve the reduction and exemption system in an easy-to-understand manner and thoroughly disseminate it. | Not adopted |
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