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List of Proposals (3rd Regular Meeting in 2003)

Last updated on January 24, 2024.

"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision.

List of Proposals
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Partial revision of the ordinanceCity 29th billPartial revision of the Ordinance for Separation of Administrative AffairsDevelopment of related regulations in line with the revision of the Local Autonomy Law
(Contents) Revision of the Base Articles
Article 158, Paragraph 7 of the Local Government Act → The latter part of paragraph 1
(Intent to revise the law) The internal organization of local governments shall be simple and efficient, and the basic matters shall be determined by ordinance (enforcement date) day of promulgation
City No. 30 billPartial amendment of the ordinance on compensation and expense compensation for part-time special staffRegulations on the amount of remuneration associated with the establishment of an early voting system due to the revision of the Public Office Election Law
(Contents) 12,000 yen / day for voting managers at early polling places, 11,000 yen / day for voting witnesses
2 Voting Manager → Arrangement of wording such as voting managers at polling places
(Effective Date) December 1, 2003
City 31st billPartial revision of the District Center Ordinance(Contents) 1 Procedures for designation of designated managers accompanying the revision of the Local Autonomy Law, provisions such as the scope of duties performed by designated managers, etc.
2 Establishment of the Odoriba district center and Tsurumiichiba community house
(Effective Date) 1 Day of promulgation 2 Dates specified in the rules
City 32nd billPartial revision of the Welfare and Health Activity Base Ordinance(Contents) 1 Procedures for designation of designated managers accompanying the revision of the Local Autonomy Law, provisions such as the scope of duties performed by designated managers, etc.
2 Establishment of Health and Welfare Center in Tsuzuki Ward  , Minami Ward
(Effective Date) 1 Day of promulgation 2 Tsuzuki: December 22, 2015, South: Date specified in the rules
City 33rd billPartial revision of the Community Care Plaza Ordinance(Contents) 1 Procedures for designation of designated managers accompanying the revision of the Local Autonomy Law, provisions such as the scope of duties performed by designated managers, etc.
2 Installation of 8 facilities such as Tsurumiichiba (87th to 94th buildings)
(Effective Date) 1 Date of promulgation December 1, 2003, etc.
City 34th billPartial amendment of the Ordinance for Mutual Aid for Persons with DisabilitiesDevelopment of related regulations in accordance with the enactment of the Welfare and Medical Organization Act
(Contents) Changes in citation law, corporate name, etc.: Social Welfare and Medical Corporation Act → Incorporated Administrative Agency Welfare and Medical Services Act, etc.
(Effective Date) October 1, 2003
City 35th billPartial revision of the Emergency Medical Center OrdinanceChanges in management trustees due to the integration of Yokohama City Emergency Medical Center and Yokohama City Comprehensive Health and Medical Foundation
(Contents) Changed management trustee of emergency medical center to Yokohama City General Health and Medical Foundation, etc.
(Effective Date) November 1, 2003
City 36th billPartial revision of hospital regulations managed by hospital businessAlong with the revision of the Local Autonomy Law, the procedures for designation of designated managers at port hospitals after redevelopment are stipulated.
(Contents) Procedures, scope of work, establishment of evaluation committee, etc. designated by designated manager
(Effective Date) Day of promulgation [Day when designation of designated manager is specified by rules]
City 37th billPartial revision of the ordinance on reduction, recycling and proper disposal of waste, etc.Development of related regulations in line with the revision of the Law Concerning Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing
(Contents) Revision due to the movement of the provisions of the quotation law stipulated in the permission application fee for collection and transportation of general and industrial waste, etc.
(Effective Date) December 1, 2003
City 38th billPartial revision of the Scenic Area OrdinanceDevelopment of related regulations in line with the enactment of the Japan Railway Construction and Transport Facility Development Support Organization Act
(Contents) Change in the name of the quotation corporation: Japan Railway Construction Corporation → Japan Railway Construction and Transport Facility Development Support Organization, etc.
(Effective Date) October 1, 2003
City 39th billPartial revision of the Road Private Charge OrdinanceDevelopment of related regulations in line with the enactment of the Japan Railway Construction and Transport Facility Development Support Organization Act
(Contents) Change in the name of the quotation corporation: Japan Railway Construction Corporation → Japan Railway Construction and Transport Facility Development Support Organization
(Effective Date) October 1, 2003
City No. 40 billPartial revision of the Sewerage Ordinance(Contents) In accordance with drainage regulations under the Ordinance on conservation, etc. of the Living Environment, dioxins will be added to the standard items for water quality that require the installation of abatement facilities for business establishments that use public sewerage systems.
(Effective Date) Day of Promulgation
City 41st billPartial revision of the Port and Harbor Council OrdinanceChanges in the composition of members of the council
(Contents) 1 Number of members: Up to 40 people → Up to 30 people
2 Member Composition: Including residents of the city, etc.
(Effective Date) January 1, 2004
City 42nd billPartial revision of the Municipal Housing Ordinance(Contents) Installing Municipal Housing (5 houses)
1 South Villa Yokohama (Minami Ward) 2 Silk Hananogi (Minami Ward) 3 Elce Kamiooka (Konan Ward) 4 Land Peace Negishi (Isogo Ward) 5 Albure (Izumi Ward)
(Effective Date) Date specified in the rules (planned from December 2005 to March 2006)
City 43rd billPartial revision of ordinances related to audits based on external audit contractsDevelopment of related regulations in line with the revision of the Local Autonomy Law
(Contents) With the establishment of the designated manager system, the wording revision of the grounds provisions that can be audited for those related to "management of public facilities"
(Effective Date) Day of Promulgation
Filing an actionCity 44th billFiling an action regarding the delivery of improved housing, etc.Filed a lawsuit against persons who do not respond to requests for surrender of improved housing pertaining to non-payment of housing fees (Yokohama City Improvement Segasaki Housing: Kanazawa Ward)
(Delayed usage fee) 456,850 yen
Confirmation of landfills, etc.City 45th billConfirmation of landfill site for public water surfaces such as Honmoku Futo No. 25, Naka-kuConfirm that new land has been created due to landfill
(Target) Honmoku Futo No. 25, Naka-ku Public water reclaimed land [A jetty base]
(land area) Approx. 31,913m2
(Completion permission) No. 1 Construction Zone: On October 4, 2002, the second section: May 12, 2003
(Related bill) City No. 46 bill
City 46th billChange of town area in Naka WardChanges in town areas due to the transfer of public water reclaimed land
(Transfer destination) Honmoku Futo, Naka-ku
(Scheduled to be changed) October 2003
(Related bill) City No. 45 bill
Abolition of road certificationCity 47th billAuthorization and abolition of city road lines such as Kitaterao Route 497(Certified) Route 69, including Kitaterao Route 497
(Abolished) Routes 55, including Toriyama Route 74
Total 124 routes
Acquisition of propertyCity 48th billAcquisition of land for parks and graveyardsAcquisition of land to be used for parks and graveyards
(Location) Matano-cho, Totsuka-ku (Remain site of Dreamland)
(land area) Approx. 131,218 m2
(Amount) 9,694,952,429 yen
City 49th billAcquisition of high-standard ambulancesAcquired to enhance the emergency system
(Contents) 8 high-standard ambulances (emergency vehicles and equipment) [7 renewals, 1 increase vehicle]
(Amount) 128,520 thousand yen [unit price: 16,065 thousand yen]
City No. 50 billAcquisition of school buildings at Chigasaki Junior High SchoolAcquisition of buildings to be allocated to school buildings (purchase of the City Building Conservation Public Corporation)
(Location) 1-chome Chigasaki Minami, Tsuzuki-ku
(Content) Part of the three-story reinforced concrete building: 857m2
(Amount) ¥299,722,787
Designation of designated managerCity 51st billDesignation of designated manager of welfare and health activity base(Name) Tsuzuki Ward   Health and Welfare Center
(Designated manager) Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama
(Location) Chigasaki Chuo, Tsuzuki-ku
(Designated period) From December 22, 2005 to March 31, 2006
City 52nd billDesignation of designated manager of community care plaza1 Honmokuwada (designated manager: social welfare corporation Yokohama Yamabiko no Sato <Tsuzuki Ward  > Designated period: 16.1.1 to 18.3.31)
2 Takigashira (designated manager: social welfare corporation Takeseikai <Fujisawa-shi> designated period: 16.3.1 to 18.3.31)
3 Kamoshida (designated manager: Fuji Kotobuki Kakai <Midori Ward> Designated period: 16.1.1 to 18.3.31)
4 Shimo Kurata (Designated Administrator: Social Welfare Corporation Open Association <Izumi Ward> Designated Period: 15.12.1 to 18.3.31)
Conclusion of contractCity 53rd billConclusion of contract of northern citizen gallery (tentative name) and northern area forum (tentative name) new construction (building construction) construction contractReinforced concrete partially steel-framed basement 1st floor 3 stories above ground (debt burden has been set)
(Place) 1-17-17 Azamino Minami, Aoba-ku
(Amounts) 2,720,550 thousand yen
(Date of completion) June 30, 2005
(Contract partner) Maeda, Tokyu and Omata Construction Consortium
City 54th billConclusion of contract for renovation of Sugita Elementary School (building work)Reinforced concrete 4 stories, 1 building (debt burden already set)
(Place) 1-37-3 Sugita, Isogo-ku
(Amount) ¥1,194,900 thousand
(Deadline for completion) October 29, 2004
(Contract partner) Miki-Chiyoda Actus Construction Consortium
Supplementary budgetCity 55th billFY2003 General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 5,514,804 thousand yen
Other debt obligations amendments, municipal bond amendments
City 56th billFY2003 Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Correction amount: 32,550 thousand yen
Proposal No. 2Fiscal 2003 Automobile Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted Profitable expenditure 150,727 thousand yen
Proposal No. 3FY2003 High-speed Railway Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 2)Revenue and Expenditure Budget Revision
Adjusted Profitable expenditure 28,997 thousand yen
PetitionPetition No. 8About measures such as residential land development violation (Ushikubo-cho, Tsuzuki-ku)1 The site that violates residential land development should be restored close to the original shape before development based on the Residential Land Development Regulation Law with safety measures.
2. The ground of the neighboring reservoir will collapse due to the violation excavation, and measures should be taken immediately for the exposed structure foundation.
Petition No. 9About sign setting of graveyard construction plan (Ushikubo-cho, Tsuzuki-ku)Until the residential land development restoration work is completed, the installation of the graveyard construction plan sign should not be accepted.Adopted
Petition No. 10Maintenance of desks, etc. of new JIS standardThe new JIS standard desks and chairs for elementary school student, and desks for students, should be developed for at least five years.Not adopted
Petition No. 11About freeze for the time being of charge for special elderly ride certificates1 We would like to freeze the payment of the Keiro Pass for the time being.
During 2 freezing, we carry out citizen questionnaires and want to respect the result.
Not adopted
Petition No. 12Reduction of National Health Insurance premiums, etc.1 Stop sanctions such as qualification certificates for households with delinquent insurance premiums, and issue a regular insurance card to all members.
2. I would like to expand the National Health Insurance premium reduction system so that it can respond to the deterioration of the performance of unemployed, low-income, and small and medium-sized businesses.
3. I would like to increase the transfer from the general account and reduce the National Health Insurance premium.
Not adopted
Petition No. 13Expansion of Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment1 I would like to expand the target age of Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment before school.
2. I would like to remove income restrictions.
Not adopted
Petition No. 14Establishment of special committees based on Article 100 of the Local Autonomy Law, etc.We would like to establish a special committee for investigation based on Article 100 of the Local Government Act, which has a stronger investigation right, and thoroughly investigate the truth.Not adopted
Petition No. 15Direct management of New Port HospitalThe new port hospital should be managed directly under the responsibility of the city.Not adopted

Additional Proposals

Additional Proposals
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Personnel mattersCity 57th billRecommendation by Public Safety Commission, Kanagawa PrefectureSince the term of office of Sadao Baba, a member of the Public Safety Commission Kanagawa Prefecture recommended by Motoichi, will expire on October 20, this year, we will propose to recommend a successor in accordance with the provisions of Article 39, Paragraph 1 of the Police Law.
(Received) Susumu Ogura
Proposals submitted by members of the DietProposal No. 7Submission of a written opinion calling for an increase in the national treasury share of the basic pensionThe government requests that the national treasury share of basic pensions be raised from one-third to one-half as soon as possible.Rejection
Proposal No. 8Submission of a written opinion calling for strengthening security measures to prevent crimeThe Government strongly urges the government to implement the following measures promptly in order to restore public safety.
1 To further strengthen efforts to combat organized crime by foreigners visiting Japan and gangsters. Strengthen measures against violent crimes and drug crimes using firearms.
2 Increase the number of police officers, allocate priority to areas with fewer police officers compared to the population, and enhance the development of "Koban" (police box) and police offices by utilizing OB police officers.
3 Strengthen regional patrols, etc., utilizing security contractors, etc. Promote public awareness of the formation of regional communication, which has a great effect on the anti-crime program.
4. To improve and expand security-related facilities such as detention centers and detention centers.
5 Establish a resolute immigration control system from the standpoint of crime prevention.
6 Promote the healthy development of young people and strengthen measures to prevent juvenile delinquency, prevent substance abuse, and control runaway tribes.

Schedule of the 3rd regular meeting in 2003

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