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List of Proposals (First Regular Meeting in 2004)

Last updated on January 24, 2024.

Supplementary budget bill, petition and bill submitted by lawmakers, etc.

"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision.

List of Proposals
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Budget billCity 78th billFY2004 General Account Budget¥1,294,677 million (down ¥6,744 million (0.5%) year on year)Passed
City 79th billFiscal 2004 National Health Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Budget¥262,569 million (up ¥6,781 million (2.7%) year on year)Passed
City No. 80 billFiscal 2004 Geriatric Health and Medical Expenses Accounting Budget¥198,168 million (down ¥2,897 million (1.4%) year on year)Passed
City 81st billFiscal 2004 The Long-term Care Insurance Operating Expenses Accounting Budget¥123,637 million (up ¥9,840 million (8.6%) year on year)Passed
City 82nd billFiscal 2004 Municipal University Expenses Accounting Budget¥61,446 million (down ¥535 million (0.9%) year on year)Passed
City 83rd billFiscal 2004 Port Maintenance Project Cost Accounting Budget¥2,145 million (down ¥162 million (7.0%) year on year)Passed
City 84th billFiscal 2004 Central Wholesale Market Expense Accounting Budget¥4,234 million (down ¥639 million (13.1%) year on year)Passed
City 85th billFY2004 Central and Slaughterhouse Expenses Accounting Budget¥3,861 million (down ¥25 million (0.6%) year on year)Passed
City 86th bill2004 Maternal and Child Widows Welfare Fund Accounting Budget¥955 million (down ¥19 million (1.9%) year on year)Passed
City 87th billFiscal 2004 mutual aid traffic accident Operating Expenses Accounting Budget¥490 million (down ¥156 million (24.1%) year on year)Passed
City 88th billFiscal 2004 Worker Welfare Mutual Aid Business Expense Accounting Budget¥672 million (down ¥18 million (2.5%) year on year)Passed
City 89th billFiscal 2004 Pollution Victim Relief Project Cost Accounting Budget¥40 million (down ¥1 million (3.5%) year on year)Passed
City No. 90 billFiscal 2004 Urban Development Project Cost Accounting Budget¥12,891 million (down ¥11,408 million (46.9%) year on year)Passed
City 91st billFiscal 2004 Car Parking Business Expense Accounting Budget¥1,138 million (up ¥2 million, or 0.1%, from the previous year)Passed
City 92nd billFiscal 2004 New Graveyard Operating Expense Accounting Budget107 million yen (up 107 million yen (everyone) from the previous year)Passed
City 93rd billFiscal 2004 Public Works Land Expense Accounting Budget¥115,859 million (down ¥12,165 million (9.5%) year on year)Passed
City 94th billFiscal 2004 Municipal Bond Accounting Budget¥696,547 million (up ¥84,216 million (13.8%) year on year)Passed
City 95th billFY2004 Hospital Business Accounting Budget¥36,054 million (down ¥19,256 million (34.8%) year on year)Passed
City 96th billFiscal 2004 Sewerage Business Accounting Budget¥281,742 million (up ¥6,461 million (2.3%) year on year)Passed
City 97th billFiscal 2004 Landfill Business Accounting Budget¥62,298 million (up ¥6,403 million (11.5%) year on year)Passed
Water Proposal No. 1Fiscal 2004 Water Supply Business Accounting Budget¥126,869 million (down ¥3,315 million (2.5%) year on year)Passed
Water Proposal No. 2Fiscal 2004 Industrial Water Supply Business Accounting Budget¥4,090 million (down ¥449 million (9.9%) year on year)Passed
Proposal No. 4Fiscal 2004 Automotive Business Accounting Budget¥36,737 million (down ¥1,503 million (3.9%) year on year)Passed
Proposal No. 5Fiscal 2004 High-speed Railway Business Accounting Budget¥125,620 million (up ¥2,292 million (1.9%) year on year)Passed
Budget-related billsCity 98th billPartial revision of the staff fixed number ordinanceChange in the number of staff
(Content) Total number of staff: 33,385 people → 32,867 (-518)
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 99th billPartial revision of the retirement allowance regulations(Contents) Revision of retirement allowance for early retirees before retirement age
1 Expand the target to 40 years or older and raise the upper limit to 30%.
2. Development of related regulations in accordance with the revision of the Special Law for Education and Public Service
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City No. 100 billPartial revision of the Fee Ordinance(Contents) 1 Provisions for the application fee for permitting the dismantling of used vehicles in accordance with the enactment of the Act on Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles
2. Development of related regulations in accordance with the revision of the Food Sanitation Law, etc.
(Effective Date)
1 July 1, 2004 and January 1, 2007
2 Day of promulgation
City 101st billPartial revision of the mutual aid traffic accident OrdinanceMutual aid contribution of person receiving protection by the Public Assistance Act Abolition of Motoichi burden
(Contents) General mutual aid (600 yen / year) subscription is full, and large mutual aid (1,000 yen / year) subscription is abolished the Motoichi burden equivalent to the ordinary mutual aid contribution.
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City No. 102 billPartial amendment of the Ordinance on Assistance of medical expenses for People with DisabilitiesAbolition of support for standard burdens related to dietary and medical expenses at the time of hospitalization
(Contents) 1 Abolition of meal assistance at the time of hospitalization of the medical expenses Aid Project for Severely Disabled Persons
2. Revision of aid methods for persons with severe disabilities who are enrolled in geriatric health care, etc.
(Effective Date) 1 July 1, 2004
2 January 1, 2005
City 103rd billPartial revision of the ordinance on subsidies for medical expenses for single-parent familiesAbolition of subsidies for standard burdens related to dietary and medical expenses at the time of hospitalization
(Contents) Abolition of meal subsidies at the time of hospitalization of medical expenses subsidy projects for single-parent families, etc., name change of quotation law
(Effective Date) July 1, 2004
City 104th billPartial revision of the ordinance on grants for children medical expensesAbolition of the subsidy for standard burden related to dietary and medical expenses at the time of hospitalization
(Contents) Abolition of meal subsidies at the time of admission of the medical expenses subsidy project for children
(Effective Date) July 1, 2004
City 105th billPartial revision of the National Health Insurance Ordinance(Contents) 1 Changed the premium rate to reduce the premium burden on middle-income earners.…Income percentage: Per capita rate (60:40 → 50:50) Others
2 Abolition of subsidies for standard burdens related to dietary and medical expenses at the time of hospitalization for severely disabled people, etc.
(Effective Date) 1 April 1, 2004
2 July 1, 2004
City 106th billPartial revision of the Local Nursing Center Ordinance(Contents) 1 Define the procedure for designation of designated managers accompanying the revision of the Local Autonomy Law, the scope of duties performed by designated managers, etc.
2 Introduced a usage fee system (charges and fees for clinics in the center)
(Effective Date) 1 Day of promulgation
2 Dates specified in the Rules
City 107th billPartial revision of the Small and Medium Enterprise Guidance Center Ordinance(Contents) 1 Maintenance of regulations accompanying the abolition of the SME Guidance Center (regulation name change: Yokohama City Industrial Technology Support Center Ordinance), etc.
2 Revision of fees, etc. for testing and analysis at the Industrial Technology Support Center
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 108th billPartial revision of the Central Wholesale Market Business OrdinanceEstablishment of facility usage fees for new facilities, etc. at the Central Wholesale Market
(Contents) Real fruits and vegetables: Delivery center usage fee 610 yen/m2 per month
Meat Market Meat Department: Parking fee 300 yen/m2 per month, etc.
(Effective Date) Date specified in the Rules
City No. 109 billPartial revision of the Port Facilities Use OrdinanceDeletion of usage fees for waste oil treatment facilities
(Content) Deletion of waste oil treatment facility usage fee regulations following the abolition of the ship waste oil treatment plant (Oguro-cho, Tsurumi-ku)
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 110th billPartial revision of the Fire Prevention Ordinance(Contents) 1 Rules for collecting fees for training courses for acquiring fire prevention managers, etc.
Fire prevention management training: Class A class 5,000 yen, Class B class 4,000 yen
2. Development of related regulations in accordance with the revision of the Fire Services Act and the Fire Services Act Enforcement Order
(Effective Date) 1 April 1, 2004
2 The day specified by the rules, the day of promulgation
OthersCity 111th billEstablishment of Articles of Incorporation of Yokohama City UniversityThe Articles of Incorporation shall be established to establish Yokohama City University, a public university corporation that establishes and manages Yokohama City University.
(Contents) Purpose, name, appointment of officers, chairpersons, etc., establishment of deliberation body (management council, education and research council) and others
(Effective Date) Date of incorporation (scheduled for April 2005)
Conclusion of contractCity 112th billConcluded a contract for the renovation of Iwama River Bridge and Kanazawa Bridge on the Tokaido Main LineBoxwork (extended 58m, width 9m, height 6m), river cutting, etc.
(Place) 3 places of 44 Iwai-cho, Hodogaya-ku-ku-2-64, Kabira-cho
(Amount) 5,116,650 thousand yen (performance due date March 31, 2011)
(Contract partner) East Japan Railway Company.
City 113th billConclusion of comprehensive external audit contractConclusion of contracts based on Article 252-36, Paragraph 1 of the Local Government Act
(Initial of contract) April 1, 2004
(Amount) 23,000 thousand yen (upper limit)
(Contract partner) Akio Minawa (Certified Public Accountant)
Establishment of ordinancesCity 114th billPromotion of business location, etc. Enactment of ordinances on support measures in specific areasOrdinances to promote the location of companies in specific areas (Minato Mirai 21, Keihin Coastal Area)
(Contents) Special provisions of tax rates for property tax and city planning tax and grant grants
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004 (Applicable to business plans applied for 5 years from enforcement)
City 115th billEstablishment of ordinances related to coordination of development projectsOrdinances that determine coordination procedures with developers, citizens, and cities from the concept stage of development projects
(Contents) Dissemination of the development project concept, procedures for hearing opinions of local residents, etc.
(Effective date) June 1, 2004 (Development projects other than slope development activities are September 1, 2004)
City 116th billEnactment of ordinances on restrictions on the construction and development of basement buildings on slopesOrdinances that stipulate restrictions on the number of floors of basement apartments
(Contents) Number of floors, restrictions on embankment, obligations for greening, etc.
(Effective Date) June 1, 2004
Partial revision of the ordinanceCity 117th billPartial revision of ordinances related to dispatch of staff to public interest corporations, etc.Development of related regulations in line with the revision of the Local Public Enterprise Labor Law
(Contents) Change of law name: Laws on labor relations of local public enterprises, changes in quotation clauses, etc. (Revised three related ordinances)
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 118th billPartial revision of ordinances related to salary, working hours and other working conditions of the Board of Education SuperintendentDevelopment of related regulations in accordance with the revision of the Special Law for Educational Public Services, etc., following the enforcement of the National University Corporation Law
(Contents) Change of citation law name, change of quotation clause, etc. (Revision of 3 related regulations)
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 119th billPartial revision of the regulations about compensation for public affairs accidents of Yokohama-shi congressist and other part-time staffDevelopment of related regulations accompanying the revision of the Local Public Service Disaster Compensation Law, etc.
(Contents) Increase in fines for false reporters: 100,000 yen → 200,000 yen
Change in the separate table number in the definition of disability grade: Appendix No. 1 → Appendix 2, etc.
(Effective Date) Day of Promulgation
City 120th billPartial revision of the Community Care Plaza Ordinance(Contents) "Urafune Community Care Plaza" is stipulated in the Community Care Plaza, which displays and introduces welfare equipment and coordinates consultation.
(Effective Date) July 1, 2004
City 121st billPartial revision of the Ordinance for Protection Facilities(Contents) 1 Define the procedure for designation of designated managers accompanying the revision of the Local Autonomy Law, the scope of duties performed by designated managers, etc.
2 Installation of Urafuneen (scheduled to open on July 1, 2004)
(Effective Date) 1 Day of promulgation
2 July 1, 2004
(Related bill) City No. 139 bill
City 122nd billPartial revision of the Ordinance for Maternal and Child Life Support FacilitiesAbolition of facilities
(Content) The Mutsumi Haym was abolished (Minami Ward) to rebuild and rebuild the community care plaza and maternal and child life support facilities.
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 123rd billPartial revision of the Ordinance for Welfare Facilities for the Elderly(Contents) 1 Define the procedure for designation of designated managers accompanying the revision of the Local Autonomy Law, the scope of duties performed by designated managers, etc.
2 Installation: Urafune Home
3 Abolition: A Iwai Home, Iisoko Home
(Related bill) City No. 140 bill
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 124th billPartial revision of ordinances on standards for measures to be taken in public health based on the Food Sanitation LawDevelopment of related regulations in accordance with the revision of the Food Sanitation Law, etc.
(Contents) 1 Change of quotation clause, etc. 2 Change of position indication of center and slaughterhouse (revised 5 related regulations)
(Effective Date) Day of Promulgation
City 125th billPartial revision of the ordinance on reduction, recycling and proper disposal of waste, etc.(Contents) Stipulates that the ownership of waste discharged from ordinary households belongs to Yokohama City and prohibits the removal of waste.
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
City 126th billPartial revision of the Scenic Area Ordinance(Contents) 1 Acts that require permission are added in the scenic area with the revision of the Cabinet Order that stipulates the standards for regulations on buildings, etc. in the scenic area 2 Add permission standards such as the height of buildings on slopes
(Effective Date) 1 May 1, 2004
2 June 1, 2004
City 127th billPartial revision of the ordinance to create and nurture a green environment(Contents) 1 Establish a consultation system on plans for promoting greening, etc. on the premises of buildings 2 For greening with development projects, shift to "Ordinance on Coordination of Development Projects, etc."
(Effective Date) September 1, 2004
City 128th billPartial revision of the park ordinance(Contents) 1 Procedures for designation of designated managers accompanying the revision of the Local Autonomy Law
2 Organize mixed “name” and “type”
3. Abolition of facilities: Mitsuzawa Park Volleyball Field / Sumo Field
(Effective Date) Date of promulgation, etc.
City 129th billPartial revision of the ordinance on regulation of structures in subdivisions in the Yokohama Port harbor areaAdding structures that can be constructed in subdivisions within the harbor area
(Contents) Commercial Port District, Industrial Minato-ku: Cargo handling facilities, information processing facilities, etc.
Shukei Kosei Minato-ku: Sports and recreation facilities
(Effective Date) Day of Promulgation
City 130th billPartial revision of the ordinance concerning the conservation, etc. of the living environment related to the construction of middle- and high-rise buildings(Contents) 1 Add a business subject to the "Ordinance on Coordination of Development Projects" to the subject of mediation and mediation
2 Ordinance name change: Ordinance on conservation, etc. of the living environment pertaining to construction and development projects such as middle-high-rise buildings in Yokohama City
(Effective Date) June 1, 2004
City 131st billPartial revision of the Municipal Housing OrdinanceEstablishment of Municipal Housing
(Contents) ・ Zenbucho Housing (Asahi), 5 rental facilities (Naka, Isoko, Kanazawa, Kohoku, Izumi)
(Effective Date) Date specified in the rules (scheduled for April to June 2006)
City 132nd billPartial revision of the Building Standards OrdinanceImprovement of related regulations accompanying the revision of the Building Standards Law
(Contents) The shading regulation of the urbanization adjustment area is stipulated in the ordinance [height of the shading measurement surface: 1.5m: 3 hours (within 10m), 2 hours (10m or more)], etc.
(Effective Date) April 1, 2004
Abolition of the Amended OrdinanceCity 133rd billAbolition of the regulations to revise a part of the city tax regulationsThe Katsuma Voting Ticket Release Tax was abolished in light of changes in the situation surrounding local tax finances.
(Date of resolution of the revised ordinance) December 14, 2000
(Effective Date) Day of Promulgation
Filing an actionCity 134th billFiling an action regarding the collection of seized receivablesFile a lawsuit against the debtor in order to collect the seized receivables of city taxes
(Participant: Defendant) Suehiro Co., Ltd. (21-6 Tsunashima Nishi 2-chome, Kohoku-ku)
(The value of the lawsuit) 8,800,000 yen
Abolition of road certificationCity 135th billAuthorization and abolition of city road lines such as Higashiterao Route 490(Certified) Route 102, including Higashiterao Route 490
(Abolished) Routes 68, including Shioka Route 79
Total 170 routes
Designation of designated managerCity 136th billDesignation of designated manager of district center(Name) 1 Shirohata district center 2 Jogo small desk district center 3 Takigashira community house
1 Actio Co., Ltd. (Meguro-ku, Tokyo) 2 Kohoku Ward Residents Facilities Association 3 Isogo Ward Residents Facilities Association
(Designated period) Date of commencement of operation-March 31, 2009
City 137th billDesignation of designated manager of welfare and health activity base(Name) Minami Ward Health and Welfare Center
(Designated Administrator) Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Minami-ku, Yokohama
(Location) Sukumachi, Minami-ku
(Designated period) From July 1, 2006 to March 31, 2006
City 138th billDesignation of designated manager of community care plaza(Name) 1 Urafune 2 Castle Township Small Desk
(Designated Manager) 1 Social Welfare Corporation Yokohama City Welfare Service Association (Nishi Ward) 2 Social Welfare Corporation Hideminekai (Asahi Ward)
(Designated period) 1 July 1, 2004 - March 31, 2006 - August 1, 2006 - March 31, 2006
City 139th billDesignation of designated manager of protection facilities(Name) Urafuneen
(designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Yokohama Social Welfare Association (Minami Ward)
(Designated period) From July 1, 2006 to March 31, 2006
(Related bill) City No. 121 bill
City No. 140 billDesignation of designated manager of welfare facilities for the elderly(Name) Urafune Home
(designated manager) Social Welfare Corporation Yokohama City Welfare Service Association (Nishi Ward)
(Designated period) From July 1, 2006 to March 31, 2006
(Related bill) City 123rd bill
City 141st billDesignation of designated manager of Yokohama City Port Hospital(Name) Yokohama Port Hospital
(Designated Administrator) Japanese Red Cross Society (Minato-ku, Tokyo)
(Designated period) Date of opening of the port hospital after redevelopment (scheduled for April 1, 2005)-March 31, 1947
OthersProposal No. 6Treatment of losses in the Yokohama High Speed Rail BusinessTreatment of loss in accordance with the provisions of the Local Public Enterprise Law Enforcement Order
(Loss carried forward in the following fiscal year in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014) ¥ 270,278,768,148
55,950,385,760 yen (reversal of capital surplus) 55,950,385,760 yen
(Deficit balance) 214,328,382,388 yen
Conclusion of contractCity 142nd billConclusion of contract for the second phase of construction (building work) of Confort MyojindaiSteel-frame reinforced concrete partly reinforced concrete 14-story reinforced concrete building (debt burden has been set)
(Place) 10 at 48 Myojindai, Hodogaya-ku
(Amount) ¥1,050,000 thousand (completion date: January 31, 2006)
(Contract partner) Mabuchi and Taiyo Construction Consortium
City 143rd billTsuzuki Sports Center (tentative name) Conclusion of new construction (building work) contractOne 3-story steel reinforced concrete building (debt burden has been set)
(Place) 1, 2,973, Ikebe-cho, Tsuzuki-ku
(Amount) ¥1,294,650 thousand (completion date: November 30, 2005)
(Contract partner) Matsuo, Nara and Showa Construction Consortium

Schedule of the 1st Regular Meeting in 2004

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