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List of Proposals (1st Extraordinary Meeting in 2021)

Last updated on December 21, 2023.

Submitted on January 6
Mayor presentation bill:

Establishment of ordinances

"Results" in the table below are the results of the decision. It will be posted after voting.

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on January 6)

Mayor presentation bill (submitted on January 6)
 Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Establishment of ordinancesCity 100th bill (PDF: 209KB)Enactment of ordinances related to referendums on attracting integrated resort facilities (IRs) including casinos in Yokohama City(1)Implementation of a referendum
Oh, within 60 days from the day of promulgation of the ordinance, we will hold a referendum asking for pros and cons regarding the invitation of IR.
I voting qualified person assumes person having voting right of city council member and the mayor and establishes setting of polling place or conduct of early vote by rule by example of mayoral election.
C. The practice of voting and voting can be performed by the Election Commission.
(2)Rules for voting
Oh, the mayor tries to perform public information activity, reporting that inhabitants judge pros and cons objectively and neutrally.
B. Voting campaigns related to referendums are free, but acquisitions and threats are prohibited (no penalties are provided).
(3)Respect for Voting Results
The mayor and the council must respect the results of the referendum.
(4)Effective date
Day of promulgation of ordinances
Petition (submitted on January 6)
Proposal No.Name of ProposalContentsResults
Petition No. 60Regarding the establishment of a referendum ordinance asking for approval or disapproval of IR invitationI would like to pass the referendum ordinance asking whether or not to invite IR.Not adopted
Petition No. 61Regarding the unanimous enactment of the referendum ordinanceWe hope that the referendum ordinance will be passed unanimously.Not adopted
Petition No. 62Regarding the unanimous enactment of the referendum ordinance asking whether IR and casinos are right or wrongWe would like to unanimously pass the referendum ordinance asking whether IR and casinos are right or wrong.Not adopted

Related information link

Internet broadcast (outside site)
Minutes (outside site)
Schedule of regular meetings
List of pros and cons
Opinions and Resolutions passed
Committee Reference Category Table (PDF: 91KB)
List of Petitions (PDF: 96KB)

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