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- [Application has been closed] [Health and Social Welfare Bureau] Recruitment of appointment staff for the fiscal year (inspection assistance service for the Institute of Health)
Last updated on February 26, 2025.
The text is from here.
[Application has been closed] [Health and Social Welfare Bureau] Recruitment of appointment staff for the fiscal year (inspection assistance service for the Institute of Health)
Application Guidelines
Practical assistance for testing of bacterial tests, virus tests, and medical animal tests
- (1) Acceptance of samples related to infectious diseases and food poisoning and confirmation of documents such as request forms
- (2) Pretreatment of blood, urine, pharyngeal wiping fluid, stool, etc. (Work in a safety cabinet)
- (3) Bacterial culture and virus culture from samples
- (4) Nucleic acid extraction from preprocessed specimens
- (5) Genetic tests (PCR, electrophoresis, etc.) of specimens extracted nucleic acid
- (6) Practical work of tests conducted by the Microbial Testing Research Division
- (7) Other duties deemed necessary by the head of the affiliation
- ※Including disaster response work in the event of a large-scale disaster (basically auxiliary work, only during working hours)
Those who fall under any of the following
- (1) Those who have clinical laboratory technician qualifications
(2) Those who have the knowledge and skills equivalent to the above
(3) Those who have studied biological and microbiology knowledge and have practical experience (such as those who have taken biology, veterinary medicine, etc.)
Number of applicants
1 person
Working conditions and compensation
- (1) Appointment period
- From April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024
- In some cases, such as when the same job continues and the work performance is good, the appointment may be made again. (up to 4 times)
- (2) Working hours
- 8:45 am to 5:15 pm (break time is from noon to 1:00 pm)
- (3) Working days
- 4 days a week (excluding Sunday, Saturday, national holidays, New Year's holidays (from December 29 to January 3) and one day a week specified by the Director of the Institute of Health)
- (4) Work location
- Yokohama City Inst. of Health Microbial Inspection and Research Division
- (7-1 Tomioka-Higashi 2-chome, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, 1 minute walk from Seaside Line Nanbu Market Station)
- (5) Amount of compensation
- ¥200,300 per month
※In addition, term-end allowances and commuting expenses (equivalent to actual expenses) are paid separately according to Motoichi standards. - (6) Holidays, etc.
- According to the rules regarding working hours, vacations, etc. of staff appointed for the fiscal year of Yokohama City
- (7) Social insurance
- Joined employee health insurance (Yokohama City Mutual Aid Association), Employees' Pension Insurance and employment insurance
- Other working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year.
How to apply
- (1) Document submission deadline
- Must arrive at 5:00 pm on Friday, February 3, 2023
- (2) Documents to be submitted
- ・Fiscal Year Appointment Staff Application Form and Resume (Word: 23KB)
・One long envelope No. 3 for replying to pass / fail notification (Attach an 84 yen stamp and specify the reply destination.) - (3) How to submit documents
- Please submit by mail (registered mail or letter pack) or bring it with you.
※If you bring it with you, please put it in an envelope.
※Please write "Fiscal year appointment staff recruitment selection document" on the surface of the envelope.
※Application documents will not be returned. Thank you for your understanding. - (4) Submission of documents
- 〒236-0051
- 2-7-1, Tomiokahigashi, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
- City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Institute of Health Management, Administration Section
Selection method
- (1) Primary selection: Selection of documents
- ・Selection will be made based on the application documents.
- ・The results of the selection will be notified to all applicants by mail by Tuesday, February 14, 2023. If you do not receive the notification, please contact the recruitment staff.
- (2) Secondary selection: Interviews and practical skills (only those who have passed the primary selection)
- Scheduled date and time: Tuesday, February 21, 2023
- ※Details such as meeting time, venue and practical skills will be notified only to those who have passed the primary selection.
- ※The results of the selection will be notified by mail to all candidates for the second screening.
- (3) Final decision and notification of recruitment
- The decision notification is scheduled for mid-March.
- (4) physical checkup at the time of employment
- Those who have passed the final exam will be asked to consult physical checkup at the designated institution. (Scheduled for Friday, March 17, 2023)
・The personal information provided during this selection will not be used for any purpose other than office work related to recruitment selection and recruitment.
・If it is found that the application requirements are not met, or that the entries in the submitted documents are incorrect, the pass will be canceled.
・Working conditions are as of January 2023 and are subject to change.
・If the 2023 budget is not voted on in Yokohama City Council, it may not be accepted even if it passes the selection process.
Contact information
2-7-1, Tomiokahigashi, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Institute of Health Management
Phone: 045-370-8460
Inquiries to this page
Administration Section, Administration Division, Medical Care Bureau Institute of Health
Phone: 045-370-8460
Phone: 045-370-8460
Fax: 045-370-8462
E-Mail address ir-eiken@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 357-760-832