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08.The 19th Izumi Ward Taiko Music Festival

Last updated on June 27, 2024.

 On June 16, the 19th Izumi Ward Taiko Music Festival was held.
This year, the venue was moved from Theattle Fonte to public hall to attract more visitors. The folk performing arts Preservation Society, Okazu Hayashiren, Okazu Taiko, Jowadaiko Taiko, Miyako Taiko, Ryokuen Gakuen Kids Club, and Hatonomori Ai's Gagaku. In the finale, a drum group co-starred and concluded the festival with a powerful performance.
 Approximately 400 people came on the day, and it was very exciting. However, some organizations are facing the problem of lack of successors, and new people are encouraged to participate in order to pass on the traditional culture of Izumi Ward, folk performing arts to the next generation. If you are interested, please contact the Izumi Ward Office Regional Promotion Division City Office. Let's carry on a wonderful tradition with all the inhabitants of the ward.

June 27, 2024 Ken Yamaguchi, Mayor of Izumi

In charge: Regional Promotion Division inhabitant of a ward business (Phone: 800-2392)


1 2 3

             Nakata Hayashi Preservation Society                Okazu Hayashiren                Okazu Taiko  

4 5 6

               Nyozuki Taiko                  Miyako Taiko              Ryokuen Gakuen Kids Club

7 8 9

        Poets no Mori Ai's Poet wadaiko Naka-Yuiko         On the other hand, the six-member society             Nakata Gorei Shrine Gagaku Association

10 11

                         Finale                  Closing

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Izumi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

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