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The text is from here.

Fiscal 2024 (April 2024 to March 2025)

The information provided is as of the time of publication. Public information Yokohama is distributed through the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, as well as at the Totsuka Ward Office and Yokohama PR Boxes (e.g. stations and district centers).

Last updated on March 1, 2025.

Catalog Pocket, a public relations paper browsing service

Public information Yokohama Totsuka Ward version has been available for catalog pockets since May 2024 issue.
Catalog Pocket is a service that allows you to view public relations papers from your smartphone or PC.
When the public relations paper is converted into an e-book, the text in the article pops up, and the text in the article will pop up.
In addition to making it easier to read, functions such as speech-to-speech function and multilingual automatic translation are available.
Please refer to the public relations paper browsing service "Catalog Pocket" for details on how to use it.

Public information Yokohama Totsuka Ward version

March issue

All pages of March issue

Each page of the March issue

March issue preserved version (input)

February issue

Each page of February issue

January issue

January issue Each page

December issue

Each page of the December issue

November issue

November issue Each page

October issue

Each page of the October issue

September issue

September issue Each page

August issue

August issue Each page

July issue

Each page of the July issue

June issue

June issue Each page

May issue

May issue Each page

April issue

Each page of the April issue

"Public information Yokohama city version" & "news from Yokohama assembly" & "news from prefecture" & "news from prefecture"

"Public information Yokohama-shi version" is public information paper which publishes information about the whole Yokohama-shi.
"Yokohama Assembly Newsletter" is issued four times a year as a public relations paper for the assembly and distributed to each household.
・We issue "news of prefecture" (outside site) (outside site) on the 1st of every month and will tell about various information of prefectural government or event, lecture that prefecture performs.

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Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-866-8321

Phone: 045-866-8321

Fax: 045-862-3054

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 572-126-867

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