- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Totsuka Ward Top Page
- Ward Administration Information
- Public Relations and Publications
- Public information Yokohama Totsuka Ward version
- Fiscal 2024 (April 2024 to March 2025)
The text is from here.
Fiscal 2024 (April 2024 to March 2025)
The information provided is as of the time of publication. Public information Yokohama is distributed through the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, as well as at the Totsuka Ward Office and Yokohama PR Boxes (e.g. stations and district centers).
Last updated on March 1, 2025.
Catalog Pocket, a public relations paper browsing service
Public information Yokohama Totsuka Ward version has been available for catalog pockets since May 2024 issue.
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Public information Yokohama Totsuka Ward version
- March issue
- February issue
- January issue
- December issue
- November issue
- October issue
- September issue
- August issue
- July issue
- June issue
- May issue
- April issue
- "Public information Yokohama city version" & "news from Yokohama assembly" & "news from prefecture" & "news from prefecture"
March issue
All pages of March issue
Whole version (text file: 42KB)
Each page of the March issue
P5: [Cover] Harmony of cherry blossoms and river from Totsuka (PDF: 7,127KB)
P6: Sudden heavy rain, where you are may be flooded… Others (PDF: 6,301KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 7,600KB)
P8-9: Special Feature Connect the cherry blossoms of the Kashio River to the future. (PDF:5,764KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 11,110KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 11,110KB)
P12: Totsukko Plaza, etc. (PDF: 1,531KB)
March issue preserved version (input)
Whole version (PDF) (PDF: 1,730KB)
Whole version (text) (text file: 36KB)
February issue
Whole version (text file: 48KB)
Each page of February issue
p5: Uninterrupted environmental education (PDF: 4,980KB)
p6: Tsumugu Tozuka's old days, etc. (PDF: 6,196KB)
p7: Totsuka Street Live Spring Festival, etc. (PDF: 6,196KB)
p8: Tozuka Monozukuri Boasting Exhibition (PDF: 4,959KB)
p9: Have you ever imagined "I can't use the toilet ...!" (PDF:4,959KB)
p10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 8,622KB)
p11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 8,622KB)
p12: Totsukakko Plaza and others (PDF: 2,232KB)
January issue
Whole version (text file: 47KB)
January issue Each page
p6: A nice place in my town! vol.1, etc. (PDF: 10,769KB)
p7: News from ward office others (PDF: 10,769KB)
p8-9: Not only the Tokaido but also the old road of Tozuka Kamakura Road (PDF: 11,979KB)
p10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 7,475KB)
p11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 10,041KB)
p12: Totsukakko Plaza and others (PDF: 1,352KB)
December issue
Whole version (text file: 42KB)
Each page of the December issue
P6: To protect our town "Tozuka" fire brigade Tozuka (PDF: 4,955KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 4,955KB)
P8‐9: I can't be irrelevant. Actions to protect the irreplaceable earth. (PDF:6,603KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 7,618KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 7,618KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza, etc. (PDF: 1,663KB)
November issue
Whole version (text file: 45KB)
November issue Each page
P5: About one in three cancer patients is an "active generation"! (PDF:1,458KB)
P6: Why don't you come to find the creator's thoughts? Others (PDF: 5,307KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 5,307KB)
P8‐9: Please don't worry if you have trouble living alone. (PDF:1,693KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 7,622KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 7,622KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza and others (PDF: 1,371KB)
October issue
Whole version (text file: 50KB)
Each page of the October issue
P5: Autumn of the 48th Tozuka contact inhabitant of a ward festival event various (PDF: 5,024KB)
P6: Lectures "Living Yourself" and others (PDF: 3,374KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 3,374KB)
P8-9: This is a place where both children and adults are sprouting. ♪ (PDF:1,671KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 7,777KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 7,777KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza, etc. (PDF: 1,315KB)
September issue
Whole version (text file: 42KB)
September issue Each page
P5: An earthquake occurred! Preparing to Save Life (PDF: 3,074KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 5,431KB)
P8-9: Changing with preparations! "Evacuation at home" life (PDF: 2,583KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 8,856KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 8,856KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza, etc. (PDF: 1,765KB)
August issue
Whole version (text file: 46KB)
August issue Each page
P5: Is it okay if it's good now? ~ What is necessary to protect the earth ~ (PDF: 1,696KB)
P6: Kashio River Cherry Blossom Trees conservation Initiatives Start! Others (PDF: 6,479KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 6,479KB)
P8-9: Ouchi decarbonized citel? ? (PDF:4,361KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 7,413KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 7,413KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza, etc. (PDF: 1,453KB)
July issue
Whole version (text file: 42KB)
Each page of the July issue
P5: Do your best! A girl's sport! (PDF:4,749KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 7,713KB)
P8-9: Let's go to the wilderness so close to Maioka ♪ ~(PDF:15,107KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 8,421KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 8,421KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza, etc. (PDF: 1,999KB)
June issue
Whole version (text file: 41KB)
June issue Each page
P5: What can we do now for the earth?…(PDF:4,209KB)
P6-7: Tsumugu Tozuka's old days vol3 etc. (PDF: 7,571KB)
P8-9: [Special Feature] FY2024 Totsuka Ward Management Policy (PDF: 10,757KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 12,863KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 12,863KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza and others (PDF: 2,936KB)
May issue
Whole version (text file: 41KB)
May issue Each page
P5: In case of emergency, connect nearby (PDF: 1,932KB)
P6: We are healthmates and others (PDF: 3,790KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 3,790KB)
P8-9: [Special feature] "Member" supporting your town (PDF: 2,417KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 4,417KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 4,417KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza and others (PDF: 2,528KB)
April issue
Whole version (text file: 40KB)
Each page of the April issue
P5: Let's raise children with the community (PDF: 10,760KB)
P6: Kashio River Night Run, etc. (PDF: 2,975KB)
P7: News from ward office others (PDF: 2,975KB)
P8-9: [Special feature] To a more livable "Totsuka" (PDF: 1,834KB)
P10: News from each facility 1 (PDF: 3,578KB)
P11: News from each facility 2 (PDF: 3,578KB)
P12: Totsukakko Plaza, etc. (PDF: 1,630KB)
"Public information Yokohama city version" & "news from Yokohama assembly" & "news from prefecture" & "news from prefecture"
・"Public information Yokohama-shi version" is public information paper which publishes information about the whole Yokohama-shi.
・"Yokohama Assembly Newsletter" is issued four times a year as a public relations paper for the assembly and distributed to each household.
・We issue "news of prefecture" (outside site) (outside site) on the 1st of every month and will tell about various information of prefectural government or event, lecture that prefecture performs.
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Inquiries to this page
Totsuka Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division
Phone: 045-866-8321
Phone: 045-866-8321
Fax: 045-862-3054
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 572-126-867