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How do you fill in marriage registration form?

Last updated on September 18, 2024.

Notification and certification (family register, resident certificate, etc.)

The main entries in marriage registration form are as follows.
Please refer to the separate items for submission destinations and documents to bring.
For more information, please contact the ward office Family Registry Division Family Registry Section.

About applicant

  • Please sign your husband and wife with your maiden name.
  • Both male and female persons are 18 years of age or older.

However, as of April 1, 2022, women between the ages of 16 and 18 may be notified even before they reach the age of 18. In this case, the consent of the parents is required.
(Please sign your parents in the other fields of the notification that you agree to marriage. If you cannot sign, check with the ward office Family Registry Division Family Registry Section. )

About witnesses

  • Please sign by two adults other than applicant.
  • It is not necessary to submit a report on a marriage established in a foreign country.

The wife of a married couple

  • For the new permanent domicile column and after marriage, please choose whether to be your husband or wife.

(The selected person will be the first person in the new family register after marriage.)

  • You cannot select both Mrs. (marriage separate surname).
  • If your chosen person is already the first person in family register, please do not fill in the new permanent domicile column.
  • The new permanent domicile can be registered anywhere in Japan. (The couple cannot set a separate place as their permanent address.)
  • If you are married to a foreign national and claim to be a foreign national, you will need to separately notify us of your change. (marriage registration form alone cannot change his name.)

Parent's Name, Relationship with Parents

Please describe the name of your parents and your relationship with your parents. (Please indicate the name of the adoptive parent and the relationship with the adoptive parent in the other columns.)

permanent domicile

Please indicate your permanent address before marriage and the name of the person in head of family register.


  • Please describe Address, which is currently registered as a resident.
  • If you are going to change Address, etc. at the same time as marriage registration form and you want to submit a notification to the new Address area, please fill out the notification form with the new Address and submit a notification regarding the change of Address.

(marriage registration form alone cannot change the Address. Notification of change in Address will be handled only by the ward office Hours. For more information, please check with the ward office Family Registry Division Registration Section. )

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