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About the second and fourth Saturday opening agency of ward office

Last updated on May 24, 2024.

Notification and certification (family register, resident certificate, etc.)

All ward offices in Yokohama will open from 9:00 a.m. to noon on the second and fourth Saturday of Family Registry Division, Insurance and Pension Division, and Children and Families Support Division.

Main handling contents

<Family Registry Division>
Acceptance and examination of family register notification, notification of change of residents such as transfer and transfer, Seal Registration and certification, all family register and personal matters certificate, copy of resident certificate, my number card, etc.
Insurance & Pension Section
National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance, Senior Citizens, etc. Insurance-related transfers, transfers, other notifications, National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) transfers, insurance exemption applications, etc.
<Children and Families Support Division>
Application and reception of Child Allowance, delivery of maternal and child health handbook
※Some items cannot be handled, such as those that require inquiries to other cities or related organizations, and office work using the Basic Resident Register network.

Information on procedures at the ward office that can be done by mail, online, etc.

In order to alleviate congestion at the ward office window, please consider here for procedures that can be performed by mail or online.
Information on procedures at the ward office that can be done by mail, online, etc.


[Each ward office General Affairs Division and each section (Family Registry Division, Insurance and Pension Division, Children and Families Support Division)]
(The response time for the next department is from 8:30 to 17:15 on weekdays.)
[Civic Affairs Bureau Service Section TEL671-2176 FAX664-5295] ・・ ・ Family Registry Division-related operations
[Health and Social Welfare Bureau Insurance and Pension Division TEL 671-2421 FAX 664-0403] ・・ ・ Contents of business related to insurance pension
[Health and Social Welfare Bureau The Long-term Care Insurance Division TEL671-4255 FAX681-7789] ・・ ・ The Long-term Care Insurance-related operations
[Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division TEL671-2409 FAX664-0403] ・・ ・ Contents of business related to medical care for the elderly
[Child and Youth Bureau Children's Family Division TEL671-2390 FAX681-0925] ・・ ・ Child Allowance, Maternal and Child Health Handbook

Inquiries to this page

Civic Affairs Bureau Service Section

Phone: 045-671-2176

Phone: 045-671-2176

Fax: 045-664-5295

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 555-503-044


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