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When do you use the PIN on your My Number Card?

Last updated on March 3, 2025.

My number

Four PINs are set on the My Number Card and used for each of the following purposes. The same number can be set for three types of PINs with four digits.
In addition, a personal identification number is not set on the face authentication My Number Card, and cannot be used for minor portals, convenience store delivery services, e-Tax, etc.

Type and purpose of PIN

For Basic Resident Register
(4 digits)

Used when changing the Address or name of My Number Card at windows such as ward offices, or when issuing or renewing digital certificates.

For assistance in inputting face items
(4 digits)

Used to read information such as Address and name as data.

For digital certificates for user certification
(4 digits)

Used when logging in to minor portals or using convenience store delivery services such as copies of resident certificate.

For digital certificates for signatures
(6 to 16 digits mixed with alphanumeric characters)

Used for electronic filing using the Internet such as e-Tax. In principle, it is not set for persons under 15 years of age and adult wardes.
※Only uppercase letters can be used.

Inquiries to this page

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Page ID: 389-980-068


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